
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:02:42
爱国之心怎样表达 蔡元培简介 爱国之心,( )后面是什么? 谁帮我做个爱国之心!谁帮我做2个中国心.要一个希.一个超字的..都来爱国啊 将有必死之心,士无贪生之意 意思 司马昭之心的下一句歇后语 宙,组两个词. you won't be away for long,will you?如何回答?no,i'll be back in ten minutes对吗?请详细解释 不是所有的固体都有一定的熔化温度还有液化和汽化都是在一定温度下进行的那句对,那举措 具有一定熔化温度的固体叫什么? I think______(eat) junk food too much is bad for us 请问又是为什么呐 世界著名山脉有-----沿岸山脉以及横贯---大陆南部和非洲西北部山脉带. 英语翻译 (Eating too much fast food) will make you fatter.括号提问加中文,_______ ________ make you fatter? Don`t eat too many h-------- Thaat will make you fat填什么? There are many chickens,but eating too much chiken will make him ____.还有Tom often drinks milk and eats p____. 1.be attracted to 是“吸引人”还是“被吸引的”意思呀 是后者么 因为有“be”不是表被动么2.established英音:[is'tæbliʃt]明明是“tæ”怎么读音听起来是“dæ” Look at the photo,my parents__very young A:is B:am Care D:\ be attracted to 与be attracted by 有啥区别?谢谢! Be attractive to和Be attracted to的区别 Make friend eat your heart out 是啥意思?"Man,these waves here on Siargao are fantastic because they come uninterrupted for thousands of miles of ocean,Waimea bay eat your heart out". eating too much candy ( ) you .you should eat less of it.A are bad for B is bad for 英语中by the way ,on the way,in the way of 等各种way的意思最好全点 make friends.Q 1421937062...本人男 trouble is a friend歌词 我要中文发音的 不要解释这些英文.Trouble will find you no mater where you go,oh oh.No Matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow,oh oh.The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn,oh oh.Your fine for a whil 有make a friend 有make a friend 只知道make friends 填空.1.if we hurry,we will arrive in______for the show.2.she was a very good student and passed all her _____.3.someone has ________into my flat.they have stolen everything. _______(arrive not) late for the meeting. They are t_____ from Australia and they said China is a beautiful country . 山西的地形基本特征是什么?东西两侧各有什么山脉? we should plan ___ during the walk.1what to do 2how to do 3what shall we do 4what should we do