
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:17:39
People eat hamburgers and hot dogs all over the world.翻译成中文 钓一条鱼中译英钓是fish吗? 组句:eat,hot dogs,all,people,hamburgers,the,over,and,world如题. 1 usually,food,people,with,cut,knife,the.2 all,the,hamburgers,people,eat,over,world.3 please,I,may,a,spoon,have?4 wipe,please,mouth,your.连词成句 连词成句:the,Chinese,spring,over,people,all,world,enjoy,festival拜托了各位 谢谢 Yesterday the police were joinedby more than 20 volunteers有关阅读理解 Yesterday the police were joined by more than 20 volunteers in the continuin Yesterday the police were joined by more than 20 volunteers in the continuing search for the two missing teenagers,Vicky Gray and Tom Hunter,and their guide,Gavin Jones.The police said that they had disappeared during an adventure tour of Cape York P Believe that you可以变成Believe you么 我国人口环境变化有哪些主要趋势?(市场营销学问题) 大家对职业司机的前景有什么看法? 你对改变一个人对工作的态度有什么建议?请阐述你的观点? part-time work for college students does have some unique restiction的翻译 Taecher should allow students have enough free time(改为被动语态) The work can be finished by leo 我相信你能做到 英语 谁能把‘般若波罗蜜多心经’翻译成白话文 《般若波罗蜜多心经》玄奘译本翻译 般若波罗蜜多心经现代文翻译,急, 线代的通过方程求出来的特值比如A平方=E,特值是正负1.但是单位阵特值都是1,也符合A平方=E,没有-1, 求解下列方程(线代)行列式 | 1 1 1 1 || x a b c || x^2 a^2 b^2 c^2| =0,其中a,b,c互不相等| x^3 a^3 b^3 c^3| 线代非齐次方程解的结构与性质?设A是秩为3的5*4矩阵.a1,a2,a3是非齐次线性方程组Ax=b的三个不同的解,若a1+a2+2a3=(2,0,0,0,)^T,3a1+a2=(2,4,6,8)^T,则方程组Ax=b的通解是?三个不同的解的加法线性组合是否 关于矩阵方程的 英语翻译内容为:还记得我吗?远在德国的你过的好吗?你的家人每天都快乐吗?很久没跟你联系了,先说声对不起.听说你要来中国了,我非常的期待.期待你的到来.最美好的祝福,××× 英语翻译在信中你的中文令我大吃一惊.我知道你肯定非常努力的在学习中文.我正在为你安排你的行程.我非常希望你能在中国的一个星期中,能领略到中国的美丽之处.我的家庭和我一定会给 “你钓了多少条鱼”的英语怎么读?.注意:要用小学生的程度! what______do you do?(job,work) 为什么答案是job? 狼王梦书评怎么写给个思路或提纲 what job do you 读了 狼王梦 ,你对母狼紫岚的做法有何评价,为什么? 【狼王梦】的好段 He is looking forward to her return as much as she herself to seeing him.请问这句话的并列对吗?还是这样才是对的.He is looking forward as much to her return as she herself to seeing him.谢谢!并列句as 一定要有对等的 have good time反义词是什么