
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:26:08
英语翻译急用! 1 i have no idea about his birthday.(同义句)i _____ _____his birthday.2 jim is the tallest boy in his class.jim is taller than _____ _____ boys in his class. 1.He was educated at a local grammar school,____he went on to Cambridge.A.from which B.after that C.after which D.from this(仔细讲解每一个选项,说说不选的那个为什么错)2.____in a white uniform,he looks more like a cook than a do 七年级上册英语句型转变为什么有的句子要加do,does, 写信给朋友的英语格式 - 文章1、我是1999年读的初中,这久一直在想一篇文章,忘记是初二还是初三的了.2、文章大意:一个作家,带着他的妻子去度假,去了一个佛陀岛上面,住在客房里面,作者晚上听潮来的声音,不断的 Nearby were two boats----they had come to the island.A where B by which C in which D with whichHe is absent,____is often the case.A what B which C who D as第一个题正确答案是C ,不太清楚B为什么不对.第二个答案是D,和B有什么区 做一下英语选择, 用英文说 写信给父亲jieya 英语翻译Please_______ _______ your father _______ _______ you can. 英语选择 选择用英文怎么写? 如何投稿给21世纪英文报初中版我想在暑假给21世纪英文报初二学期第一版或者某一版投稿 需要怎样做 要注意什么?有邮箱或者是网址么? 初中二年级版的21世纪英文报的邮发代号是多少,还需知道些什么,好懂吗?急! 英语选择好评 英语选择, 英语选择给好评. 几道英语选择. 英语选择, 期待你的回信怎么说,英语 新目标七年级英语全册的句型...我说的句型指的不是现成的句子,是有sb.,sth.之类的句子...要有中文的意思,用法,例句.如果有与相近的句型的区分就更好了...比如remember doing sth和remember to do sth 英语新目标七年级(上 下)句型题~~难1.句型题包括啥划线提问 同义句 一般、特殊疑问句 感叹句 连词成句 ……(划线要划出来)2.包括新课标要求(U1-U3)3.付答案(不要也行啦,打算校对) 我喜欢真诚的朋友用英语怎么说? 我需要五个朋友用英语怎么说? 爱因斯坦说:最美好的东西,莫过于有几个头脑和心地都很真诚的朋友.用英语怎么说?不要机器翻的.友谊是我们成长路上的宝贵财富。这句呢? 因为真诚,所以感动,因为朋友,所以快乐用英语怎么说? 八年级上册英语填空题-I (1) a bad headache.-When were you (2) this? 八年级上册英语第一单元填空题 英语翻译短文,句子越短越好,句子也可以换成短文,有170个句子就行了,要求,句子短,短文更短!找的好的话,还可以+分,短文可以是笑话!带必须有翻译!英语的! 英语翻译应该怎么翻译, 英语翻译Yao Ming has more than just size:he also has great skill and speed and he is a team player.Yao Ming is the son of two great basketball players and learnt how to play one of the world's most popular games when he was young.Now,as one of th 英语翻译let's go to the space museum.don't go to the museum.let's go to space!it's gogo.th's the moom.it's smaller than the earth.that's jupiter.it's the biggest planet in the solar system.it's much bigger than the earth.that's pluto.wow!faster,g