
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:39:31
什么叫IT?要做IT需要学会什么?我想知道是IT怎么来得!需要学什么才算IT 帮我看下哪个括号里的错了.怎么改,为什么.(Once) Tom and Melinda (more) into (their) new house,they (celebrate) with a party for their friends. nothingthatwas left undone by this country has contribute to it 翻译 下面去括号错误的是( )A.a²-(a-b+c)=a²-a+b-cB.5+a-2(3a-5)=5+a-6a+5C.3a-1/3(3a²-2a)=3a-a²+2/3aD.a³-[a²-(-b)]a³-a²-b 下面四个括号中有一个是错的,请帮忙改正,1.With less than three (inch) of rain (falling) in a (six-month) period,the farmers found it necessary (to irrigate) the land.2.The (principle) reason for the (great amount of) pollution is that 齐恒公登门访士产生了哪些积极影响 句型 ​what are we going to do this Sunday?what are we going to do this Sunday?___________________________let's go to see leon's concert?________________________let's not go to a concert._____________________________ We will meet ____ ____ ____ ____ (在······右边)the playground. 数学中变化的量是指什么 举出生活中数学一个数随着另一个数变化的例子 yours和your的差别 he is surprised by __ having to pay for the accident答案是your,为什么呢? to get to work为什么开头要加to 四级重要吗? 孙中山曾言:“南京有高山、有深水”.此处 “深水”指的是 孙中山道:“南京有高山有深水” 试问 高山指什么?(地理事物) on the election victory night , Obama gave a speech to his ------ supporters adout the ----future.A.inspiring,promising B.inspired,promising为什么要选B? 孙中山是不是有个哥哥叫孙大山,弟弟叫孙小山?如题 he would go to garage to take his car by himself.这句语法有问题嘛 怎么培养自己的表达能力? 怎样才能培养自己的表达能力 如何提高一个人的表达能力尤其是在给别人讲解题时思想容易混乱,有时还不能真正讲明自己的意思!在面对一些比方说面试的情况,经常不知从何说起,哪怕有了想要说的主题也就只能说很 怎样提高一个人的表达能力? by his father,s car这句话对吗.忽略我的大小写 the road to victory是什么意思 road to the The road liable to flooding. the road to wealth bite "很好"和“不知道”是短语还是词如果是短语,是哪种类型?“很好”是偏正短语中的状中短语吗? 有哪些诗词是写志向的?或者是写理想的? Every road lead to