
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 11:54:50
everything的反义疑问句怎么办?everything算是单数还是复数? 孙中山去过哪些国家?按顺序依次是哪些国家? 孙中山曾去过哪个国家留学 孙中山主张建立什么样的“至完美”国家? 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Liu Xiang is a ------[run]star.2.We can play soccer ------[good]3.There are ------[lot]of vegetables.4.Let's ------[eat] bread for lunch.5.Some------[vegetable] are there. I can play soccer good,错在哪里 jack is good ( )soccer A.AT PLAY B.WITH PIAYING C.FOR PLAY D.AT PIAYING we think that he is right,don't we?还是doesn't he打错了,是isn't he i don't think that is a truth.请问它的反意疑问句怎么改?十万火急 I want two bottles _ milk , please. Then work hard and enjoy ___ life“Then work hard and enjoy ____ life.”says my uncle.A:my B:your I like school and work very hard 译成中文意思? All of the students each _____ an English dictionary.A hasB baveC ownsD has got Is this her black jacket?(变肯定句) _____________________________. 按要求变换句型 This jacket is black(提问) this,black,a,jacket,is怎么造句?还有is,it,a,red,quilt __ __ do you drink milk peter?I drink milk every day.do you like milk?not very much but mymother wants me to___it she says milk is good ___my health what about you?what your ___drink?I like drinking cola best I think drinking too___cola is not good f How much water do you drink every day?意思 How much milk does she often drink?翻译成中文? How many milk did you drink last night? 按孙中山的主张能建立起至完美的国家吗,为什么 孙中山要建立的至完美的国家是什么样的国家?是否实现?用史实说明(简单些) 英语初中名人名言 短的 50句 经典、好听的英文歌(越多越好) 明清时期,商品经济空前活跃,出现了许多积极从商业活动的大商人.我们安徽的徽州地区就出现了许多著名的大商人,人称“徽商”.徽商主要经营盐、典当、茶叶、木材四大行业,当时在江南流 介绍好听的英文歌,越多越好好听的,比较慢的英文歌,适于学英语唱的【最高悬赏20】 我想要好听的英文歌,谁介绍给我?越多越好, 为什么说明清时期广泛使用白银的主要原因是商品经济流通流域的需要? "How often_your school sports meeting_?""Once a year."A.dose,hold B.was,hold C.is,held D.did,hold求答案并带具体解析. how often do you have art festival in your school 这里为什么用how often How often ————your school sports meeting_____?----Once a year.这句话的 语态 是什么 求 你们学校一月份有什么体育活动吗?()sports do you have in your school() ()