
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:20:08
英语简单句该复合句 when i am in trouble i always turn to her for 英语翻译1.The sun in Hawaii drops too quickly for people to see it move.2.The sun drops like a ball of bright fire into the sea,and it drops so quickly that you can even see it move.不要百度,两句话有区别吗? We gave him ——help we could.A.which B.what C.that D.this 选哪一个,理由是什么 They go to buy apples by taxi.(用yesterday改写) We gave him ____help we could.A.which B what C.wWe gave him ____help we could.A.which B what C.what D.of which那个help算什么,不符合名词性从句的特点啊.为什么选B啊I want to use the same dictionary_____ was used yesterday.A.which B 名词性从句22.We gave him ____help we could.A.whichB.whatC.thatD.this我选的是DwHY “我只能勇敢,顺其自然 ”是哪首歌的歌词? 形容女孩子眼睛小,英语用哪些词好?因为本人对小眼睛女生情有独钟 My pen ____ well A.is writtenA.is written B.was written C.writes D.writing 有哪些描写水母的句子 怎么描写水母 汉语中水母一的来源是什么?是外来词吗? 试比较把魏源和严复这两位近代思想家,应从哪些方面进行比较?采用什么方式进行比较 I think the pen __ quite smoothly A.writes B.is writing C.can be written D.is written Suddenly ,the fire alarm in the hall ____ ,which made people run out into the street in a panic.A rang up B rang out C reached out D stared upA well-written composition ____good chioce of words and clear organization among other things.A calls on B c The fire alarm gave a loud noise suddenly等于什么 This hand book is ------for us to learn our lessons.A.great value B学生不尽感激! i brought a new pen yesterday afternoon .it _____(write) very well i brought a new pen yesterday afternoon . it _____(write) very well.急! 会德语的同学们进来一下小熊加油 用德语怎么说? I'm sorry to keep you waiting.这是一句什么句式的句子 主谓宾?还是什么如题 1、《天朝田亩制度》的核心思想是(D)A.无处不均匀,无人不温饱B.按照人口平均分配土地C.天下人都是兄弟姐妹D.天下共享天父上主皇上帝大福2、太平天国运动主要的历史功绩是(A)A.加速 帮帮忙回答几道近代史选择题 “住宅用地”和“居住用地”两个概念有区别吗?本人看到一个规划设计院的设计图,上面标示着“住宅用地”=“居住用地”*70%.小弟愚昧,这两个概念的区别? 什么叫一类居住用地 商住用地,商服用地,还有公建面积指的是什么啊? 居住用地问题一类居住用地40.39公顷,可居住多少人?二类居住用地34.32公顷,可居住多少人? Please discuss the questions.同义句转换Please_ _ _about the questions. make questions about 的意思 having S.EX before marriage “as long as you love me 出自哪里? love.so_long是什么 意思