
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:45:10
you were supposed to meet后接什么 Give the followings piural forms(翻译成英文) drop这首歌的MP3格式! drop the stick是什么意义 He spent two yuan to buy the book这句话那错啦? Yesterday my mother spent 2000 yuan to buy a computer 的四种 外贸提单中description of goods 什么意思 They sell the shoes for $10.(改为同义句) The shoes areThey sell the shoes for $10.(改为同义句)The shoes are __ __ for$10. marks 和description of goods 的区别?在填写国际贸易的单据时,经常会涉及到marks and numbers 和description of goods,我对这两项一直都不太能分得清,望高手赐教,谢谢了! they sell the shoes for $10改为同义句:按照这个格式:the shoes are()()for $10 full description of __ they___(sell)these shoes? Number and type of packages,description of .He doesn’t have any money ,______.A.either B.too C.also D.but As he doesn't have ____ money ____tickets,he has to ____them on TV at home if he ____ free. 用适当的代词填空 Sara is not please with ___in this English test . 最后一个被秦国灭掉的国家是 秦国最晚灭掉的是什么国最晚的国家的具体描述也要 我们学校打出标语以表示热烈欢迎 Our school put up a ___to show our __ _ 英语翻译在心中绽开着一朵小花 你给我的那朵不会枯萎的花 让我不再畏惧相信他人 变得更坚强 能与你相遇,真得很高兴 能与你牵手是我的骄傲 即使现在各自仰望着不同的天空 你看我一个 给想个比喻句:春风象 i hope our charity show will be a success的句子结构是什么? I hope our charity show will be a s___1___.But I am a little nervous b____2___ I don’t know how to o__3_______ a show.Kate tells me not to worry.She If the Ss have any problems they can discuss in groups or ask the teacher for help.She will ask her I hope our show will be ______(successful)held. whenever you are stressed or just need something fun to get a----- from your normal life ,traveling could be just the thing.根据首字母填空 I have no money.no car and no place !But I want to a kind boy是什么意思 he has no money to buy the car that he likes very much同义句转换 党要实现共产主义必须在社会主义社会什么才能实现A.充分民主和人人平等;B.充分发展和高度发达;C.充分民主和高度发达;D.充分发展和人人平等 共产主义社会和社会主义社会的区别是什么 秦国能灭掉六国的原因?当时六国的君主是谁?秦国和六国有些什么名将?秦国为什么那么强?秦灭六国用了多少年? 英语和物理的几个问题,能回答几个是几个把~英语:we will put on a show to raise money,句中,to 到底是做定语还是做状语?to做定语,状语,和宾语补足语时,各有什么区别?OK物理系-----高手回答有人说,电 Who's the lady in blue还有Is it the picture of your school中为什么填of/The man with a book in his hand is my uncle中为什么填with