
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:11:44
I hope you_____(not)eat too much sweets any more Don't eat 晋魏以来积蓄,扫地无遗是说什么?《资治通鉴》:“晋魏以来积蓄,扫地无遗.”1 引文描述的是哪一历史事件的结果?2 这一历史事件发生于何时? 为什么说曹丕《典论、论文》标志着晋魏文论的自觉 用“leaving ...on one side ...”造句,并写出中文意思,书上将“leaving ...on one side ...”解释为“抛开……不谈……” 名理轶晋魏,雅言袭轲思, If there is no one _____him with the preparaiton,he will have to put off the meeting为什么用to helpIf there is no one _____him with the preparaiton,he will have to put off the meeting.选项中有to help为啥选help stop ___so muchnoise!My father is sleepingA.to make B.making C.to hear D.hearing 注塑车间产品包装方式?产品重量在600g左右,规格在15*30之间产品需防尘、水、碎.有什么样的维护方式较好,是用气泡袋、PE膜?还是其他方式?气泡袋成本高 A_____ is sleeping这是一道什么题? 600g是多少? Stop___(talk) my mother is sleeping now. 电热毯开关上的限温是什么意思我家的电热毯通电后加温的灯不亮,总是亮限温的灯,不知是怎么回事? 电热毯频率50hz是什么意思 Education cannot be completed only at school;parents should __ in it as well.A.involve B.get involving C.get involved D.involving Should art education take place in school or at home?这句话重点在哪里?它强调的是“应不应该进行art education”,还是“应该在家还是在学校进行art education”? You should be rude in school This is you pen.这个句子哪错了,并订正. 数学804是什么含义? 建瓯话 是不是做恶的意思 谁能给我个合理的解释? They're swimming.(对划线部分提问) EXCEL里函数 =TEXT(NOW(),"[DBNum2][$-804]"&"h时m分s秒") 中 "[DBNum2][$-804]"什么意思? 同义句转换:We required all the visitor not to throw waste about in the park换成另外两种句型~ 哈尔滨维多利亚妇产医院在那生孩子环境怎么样,贵不贵呢? 哈尔滨维多利亚妇产医院生孩子便宜吗?怀孕9个月到临产期了还没找医院 请问去哈尔滨维多利亚妇产医院生孩子是否提倡顺产? 哈尔滨维多利亚妇产医院生孩子费用多少钱?During pregnancy,the safe to eat hot pot DX9.0C是什么意思? 哈尔滨维多利亚妇产医院生孩子贵不贵?During pregnancy,the safe to eat hot pot It is no good____to do it again.to try tryingtries he did his good in it He did his ( ) in it.A better B good C best D well选哪个?为什么? 普通疑问句像what什么的是做句子什么成分的?,比如what kind of wine do you want?我知道do是助动词,you是主语,want是谓语.那what kind of wine 是否做宾语的?