
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:00:15
Could you please (not open ) the window?中间填什么? 1.Would you please ()the window?It’s too cold outside.A open B opening C not open D not to open2.what is (happen) in the street?let's go and see.3.A man china ()()()().his name is YaoMing.在中国有一个人身高2.26米,他叫姚明4.()to the ne cad2007输入命不在命令行显示我在CAD2007中输入命令后不在命令行中显示而是在鼠标后面显示.这个可以关吗?在哪里关请高手指教.谢谢. 一个圆柱挖去一个圆锥,圆锥顶点是圆柱底面圆心,圆锥底面是圆柱的另一个底面,母线为6,半径为2,求组合体的表面积 什么时候才能看见过去的星星 -Excuse me,sir.Could you please not open the window?It's too cold outsideA.Yes,I could.B.You'd better not.C.All right.D.But I'm hot. Have you finished ( ) your letters.A.writing B.to write C.write D.wrote 要写原因 CAD2007中无法粘贴复制到另一张图,提示这个 命令:_pasteclip 忽略块 _ArchTick 的重复定义.咋办 I have a letter to write这句中的不定式动词为不及物动词 是指哪个词?是指TO WRITE么?到底什么时候要加TO呢? 抗日英雄 找一些关于土地革命和解放战争的书籍最好是比较出名的.历史书籍或小说都可以. 描写“抗日战争”或“解放战争”的书籍有哪些(国内和国外)?请大家推荐好书吧~最好老外写的也推荐一些. 带沫字成语,沫在第几个字都可以,要多啊多啊,除了相濡以沫, 1.I'm too busy ( ) to my family often.A.writing B.to write C.written D.write 希望可以给我详细解析 sorry I am busy .I——(write)to a friend of mine in Hangzhou My mother is busy [] an email.A.write B.to write C.writes D.writing sorry,I can't go with you.I have ___ cards to write nowA.fifteen more B.more fifteen C.more of fifteen D.fifteen another 题目 我的暑假生活 结尾 Could you please open the window?改为否定疑问句( )you please( )open the window? 《易经》中“乾卦”的核心内容和思想是什么? 距离月亮最近的星星是什么星?如题 距离月亮最近的星星有多远A一光年B十光年C人的一生 星星与月亮之间有多远? 比例尺最大的是什么地图 would you please open the windows?There isn't ____in the room.A.enough light B.enough bright C.light enough D.bright enough would you please do not to smoke in the room 我写的是 would you please try not to smoke in the room老师非说would you please do not to smoke in the room 对. Could you please not smoke in the room?或Would you mind not smoking in the room?的区别 大哥大姐初三历史总复习帮帮忙 (x+2)(x-1)=6的二次项系数是_______ ;一次项系数是________.4-7x^=0的一次项系数是___________. 一个数的倍数的个数是 # 2 # # # 5 # # # # # # # 1 # # # # # 8 # 2 # # # 7 9 # # 3 9 # 1 # # # # # 9 # # # 2 # # # # # 4 # 8 1 # # 6 5 # # # 2 # 8 # # # # # 3 # # # # # # # 7 # # # 4 # PS:请将1-9的数字补入#中,要求每个数字在每列,每行,每个小的九宫格 *4**1**9*9*3***4*5*2*954*3**57***86**6*587*1**8**9**2*1**4*5**88*4***2*35**8*2**1