
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:53:17
的英文意思是什么先 翻译《机电》 在来 翻译下面得 (海得隆机电设备技术有限公司)怎么翻译有 给200我 要 采购拉 ···· 快 电 来 改正病句怎么改 The rated current of the breaker Ir can be set from 40% to 100% of the nominal value In,using the Long time Pickup switch.The breaker status will be “Normal” for current Ibr less than the rated value set Ir. Yao Ming is good at basketball?改为同义句 【改为同义句】“Don′t play soccer in the street!”the policeman said to us.【改为同义句】“Don′t play soccer in the street!”the policeman said to us..The policeman told -- -- -- --soccer in the street Yao Ming is good at s_________.He is one of my favourite basketball p______ The man ____ her,“Don't play soccer in the street again.” A said Bsaid to Ctold D told to ti amo te quiero sa la he and i love you什么意思? 用英文说出中国各个城市的别名 sa la he and I love you 的中文意思要准确 “一切都会好起来的,亲爱的,乔依……”这句中省略号的作用是什么我明天就考试了! Evertbody in the building likes Jack,because he is good at telling and __jokes.A.turning up..Evertbody in the building likes Jack,because he is good at telling and __jokes.A.turning up B.putting up C.making up D.showing up 哪一个? run an old man down,翻译 一切都会好起来的,亲爱的,乔依的作用是什么 翻译 An old man keeps some monkeys 一切都会好起来的,亲爱的,乔依.这里省略号的作用是一群无知的人!告诉你们,答案是引文的省略或是内容的省略 帮我翻译一下 He is acting an old man. 一切都会好起来的,亲爱的乔依……这句话既是对 …………………… 又是对……………………急 “一切都会好起来的,亲爱的,乔依……”后面省略了什么话再补充几句 te amo te TE 英语翻译:有着五羊城,花城等别称的广州有1000多万人口 TE AMO Rihanna的一首歌. “广州又名五羊城”求翻译成英语 求voa听力常速慢速MP3及文本打包发给我.满意可加分329688509@qq.com 瞳孔 英语怎么说 Jane is playing chess.He is good at() Ait Bthem Cthis Done “友情的背叛像失去颜色的瞳孔”用英语怎么说用英语怎么说 te te amo 是啥意思用拼音也行…… 单项选择.Jack is playing chess .He is good at ____ A.it B.them C.this D.one 亚马逊河通过哪些国家?