
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:13:02
孤岂欲卿治经为博士邪翻译中的“治经”怎么翻译? 孤岂欲卿治经为博士邪!求翻译! he isn't at the meeting.he is green to this idea.green to this idea what mean? 凌晨四点醒来,发现海棠花未眠.这句话的日语原文川端康成的《花未眠》中的一句话.要日文翻译. Miss Green is more warm-heared ,so she is busier than all ---nurses in the hospitalA.othersB.otherC.the otherD.another (翻译)孤岂欲卿治经为博士邪! The rain is the tears of the sky.Dancing is my happiness的中文意思是什么? 只要有光源、物体、屏,就能产生影子这句话对么? take对被动语态怎么改 I often watch TV.(用“now”改为现在进行时) 请懂生物比较广的看下这叫什么虫? 听说是泰国来的,有专门饲养,知道叫什么的高人告知下名字, 这个锥柱图是怎么算表面积和体积的? 1.Jim’s parents often _________ (watch) TV on Sundays.2.Helen likes __________ (make) clothes.1.Jim’s parents often _________ (watch) TV on Sundays.2.Helen likes __________ (make) clothes.3.The children _______________ (clean) the classroom now.4 怎样让孩子快速且牢固的记忆英语单词? 进入新校后我该注意什么作文 she enjiyed living in the city two years ago变为一般疑问句 i remember she (died ) two years ago括号里的对不对,不对请高人改做i like Chinese films ,but my sister likes American(),是填one还是ones 向阳花拥有哪些含义 生机勃勃的太阳花 有哪些特点 作文注意什么 He prefers ___at home ____out on such a rainy day.A.to stay...to going B.staying...rather than goingC.to stay...to goD.to stay...rather than go In rainy weather,I prefer ( )at home.About drinks ,I prefer ( ).A.STAY;SOFT DRINKS B.to stay;soft drinks C.stay ;soft drink D.to stay;soft drink 余光中说“乡愁”是“浅浅的海峡”,席慕容说“乡愁”是“没有年轮的树”,如果有一天离开了家门,你最惦念的是什么?请发挥想象,仿照课文,用漂亮的比喻句尽现你的感觉. 在木兰诗中,可汗大点兵指的是中国的皇帝,那他为什么用可汗一词木兰原叫朱兰,不懂就别乱答 木兰诗中面对可汗大点兵,木兰作出的选择是什么 木兰诗里 提到可汗大点兵,花木兰难道是元朝的? 《木兰诗》中的“可汗大点兵”中的“兵”是什么意思 Our English club will make you be top of the world的同义句转换 the medicine will make you___(feel)betterpeter spent___(little)money on the dictionary than methey stopped____(work)when it started to raini have a lot of _____(schoolwork)to do during the summer holidaythere is much_____(information)about mark twain 求初三演讲稿《微笑面对生活》~新的不要是以前别人就用过的,要新的,多几篇都无所谓,但是每篇都要很好~中心要明确,写的要好.要有气势,最好是自己写的,不要复制的文章.我会加分的,字数 带薪的成语 带"薪"的成语带"股''的成语