
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:57:30
英语,__ your uncle ___(play) basketball every day?填什么 1.The students can play basketball after school.(改为否定句) __Uncle Wang__housework on weekend2.Jim has to clean the room every day.(改为否定句)Jim__ __ __ clean the room every day You must konw the traffic()if you walk()a city.There()always()lights for the traffic lights When traffic lights are red ,cars__ stop and wait .A may B can C must D might选择 bec中级b1 感觉阅读写作答得挺好的.听力就算了 口语一般复议的成功率很低吧 15镑 不知有没必要 再考一次.太费时间和金钱了 Resilience Lift 求详解:某人将四封写好的信随机装入四个写好地址的信封中(一个信封装一封信),问:1四封信恰好都装对的概率2没有一封信装对地址的概率3恰好有几封信装对的概率最大? 三评西湖十景的英文小女在此跪求各位哥哥姐姐,叔叔阿姨帮帮忙,帮我翻译下列单词(中文到英文)1.灵隐禅踪2.六和听涛3.岳墓栖霞4.湖滨晴雨5.钱祠表忠6.万松书缘7.杨堤景行8.三台云水9.梅 小玲分别给3位朋友写了一封信(内容都不相同),把这3封信随机装入3个信封,那么全部放对的可能性是多少?(用分数表示) I wish nothing but the best for you, 1,谁知道像“孺子可教”这样老师夸奖学生的文言文?2,古时候老师是怎么说上课和下课的?1,不要典故,只要类似夸奖学生的文言文即可.2,如古代老师不说“上课下课”的文言文,那谁能告诉我古 任课教师上课什么时间到教室 如果你是老师,看到一个学生,都打上课铃了,还慢慢吞吞的往教室走,你会怎么说? 上课铃响了许久,有一小朋友还在滑梯上玩老师生气的说:“你别进教室,玩够了再来!”这位小朋友本来已经准备进教室了,听了这话,又活蹦乱跳地玩起来了.(1)老师的意思是:(2)小朋友 汉译英:老师,如果你再无视下课铃,那我们将会无视上课铃……不要翻译软件翻译的! 在这句话中,around It's a sin around here to not thoroughly enjoy every moment of every golden day. around here=( )( )( )快!!!急求!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not from around 在线翻译有我不是本地人;我不是在这里.两种翻译,感觉都不太对,这是个剧名. love is around here. a sense of humor 这里的a 是固定的,不能没有把?谢谢她喜欢有幽默感的男孩。。 是不是 说 She likes a boy /the boy /boys who have /has a sense of humor.可以么。 用那个啊。如果是 boys 后面的 who 后就该跟 h I'm sure there will be_____traffic jams in the future.A.less B.fewer C.more D.few请注明原因! 110迢迢牵牛星,皎皎河汉女 I often s in the supermarket on saturday怎么填 2.we appreciate(work)_____ with him,because he has a good sense of humor people appreciate --with him because he has a good sense of humor.15People appreciate ________ with him because he has a good sense of humor A) to workB) to have workedC) workingD) having worked问题补充:D) having worked 为什么错呢?首先 迢迢牵牛星,皎皎河汉女.是指什么河? 迢迢牵牛星,皎皎河汉女能否改成“迢迢牵牛星,皎皎织女星”,为什么 Near here,near a bank do this?给他分 迢迢牵牛星,皎皎河汉女描写什么节日 my best friend jenny is an american my best friend jenny [ ] [ ] america you can have me seat.这句话中哪个单词错了 it has two wheels and you ride it.帮我翻译一下阿`