
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:22:37
证明:如果函数f(x)当x→a时的极限存在,则函数f(x)在a的某个去心邻域内有界. 函数f(x)在x0的某去心领域内有无界,与f(x)在x0处极限是或存在有什么关系? 英语翻译1.A man is 48 years old.He asks the other man how old he is.The other man answers:"I am twice as old as you were when i was as old as you are today." How old is the other man?CA.32 B.48 C.64 D.802.A rancher is building an open-ended(strai 做英语的主题调查应该选什么主题?请问各位做英语的主题调查应该选什么主题?是课题组的. 解出来,要过程的,80X+50(100-X)≤6000谢谢了 英语问题我选B答案A求解析A computer dose only what thinking people___.A.have it do B.have it done C.have done it D.having it done 4800/X=6000/X+50要过程 英语26个选择题.我知道答案,求每个题的解析、 51.This is the bag _____ my mother bought yesterday.A.that B.who C.whom D.this 52.The man _____ lives next to us is my English teacher.A.who m B.which C.who D./ 53.The girl _____ you saw i 请看看我,我知道这个问题的答案.英语 已知函数f (x)=(2-x)/(x+1).是否存在负数x0,使得f(x0)=3的x次方成立,若存在求出x0,若不存在,请说明理由 已知函数f(x)=x的三次方减去x的平方加上二分之一x再加四分之一,证明存在a属于0到二分之一,使得f(a)=a 1+1=? 0.2乘6=20%x用方程解,2乘70%x=4.2 3/4x-12=3/5x 这个方程怎么解? 还有求方法,仔细一点.满意可以追加5!速速速速! 已知函数f(x)=x^2+ax+c,g(x)=lnx+c,a c∈R若对x1,x2∈R,且x1 已知函数f(x)=lnx/x,导函数为f(x)'.在区间[2,3]上任取一点x0,使得f'(x0)>0的概 (3000-X)/(6000+X)=25% 如何算出来的 9000/30+x=6000/50+x+3000/X求解 块 来不及了 在公式s=x+vt中,已知s=100,x=25,v=10 ,求t 陈述句改反问句 讲桌上的那束鲜花,正表达了我们对老师的一片深情 81x-342=76×(x-2)这个方程怎么解答 68-X=68这个方程怎么解 68%x=x-320这个方程怎么解 求该方程的X 81x²-49=0而又不要复杂的,用平方根求 写盆景的作文300字左右求一个 描写这盆花的作文 速速解答,定给好评! 谁会,速速来, 速速速速速!: 1.I forgot their__,or I would have telephoned them.A telephone's number B telephones numbersC telephone numbers Dtelephones' numbers2.-Is your school far from here?_Yes,it's ___.A a day or two's ride B a stone's throw C about 300 miles' away D 40 min (A)I_____you_______left for shanghai.A.thought;had B.think:have(B)Look!How heavy the rain is!You'd better__________.A.saty here whenit stops B.not leave until it stops 谁有有关盆景的400字作文?