
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:24:24
1.You can't keep birds in cages.It's good______them _____in the sky.A.for;fly B.for;to fly C.of;to fly D.of;fly2.--Why do you eat vegetables and fruit eyery day.--Beacuse they help me_____A.keeping healthy b.keep haqlthc.keep in good heath d.doesn't How can I keep my money safe You can keep it in the 根据首字母提示完成句子. If you want to keep the food good,you can put it in a () If you want to keep the food good,you can put it in a c() If you want to keep the food good,you can put it in a t_____ I often play Sports sometimes.请问哪个词语错了. I often play sports.(用next year改写句子)I ____ ____ ____ ____ sports next year. She's face like a baby 这句话是谢娜在哪期快乐大本营里说的 Keep the noise down.You have got it.那是分开的两句话没有一点联系的 keep the voice low与keep the voice down同题目.我们可以说at a low voice,为什么不说keep the voice low 呢? keep it down a bit 发达国家与发展中国家以生产什么为主? Architecture looks at the man-made living environment. There is a living to be made at nignt和some animals are making a living at night有何区别前者To be made是什么成分,这是哪部分语法 江湖救急!要有算式!一个圆柱和一个圆锥,他们高的比3:5体积比5:3则它们的底面积比是?某书店对顾客有一项优惠,凡购买同一种书100本以上,就按书价的90%收款.某学校到书店购买甲.乙两种书, 江湖救急!要有算式一个表面涂着红漆的正方体,如图那样将它分割成64个小正方体,其中一个面是红色的小正方体有几个?两个面是红色的小正方体有几个?三个面是红色的小正方体有几个?没有 it often takes me two hours ------(play)sports用适当形式填空 怎样判断look forward to中的to是动词不定式还是介词? 发展中国家和发达国家在产业结构调整方向上有何异同 发展中国家与发达国家在产业结构调整方向上有何异同?求800字左右回答 谢谢 如何判断 to 是不定式还是介词?要定律 判断to是不定式还是介词的问题不都说“如果是介词的话后面接的是名词或代词 如果是动词不定式,后面接的是动词”吗?那么在这一句里 “I will devote myself to fighting for those people” fight不就是 如何判断一个to是介词还是不定式? 河流向凹 洋流向凸 这个是怎么推得的? 推荐老外唱的中文歌 help,can,you,his,chinese,with,him连词成句 有哪些形容外国人容貌恐怖的词语一段话也行 外国人怎么表达笑的词语RT she could sing many songs when she was youg的同义句 i don t I don't care中文拼音亲,你太敬业了,我另开了问题 俚语是什么?有哪些俚语?有什么有意义的俚语?要中文的短句,不要外国的!最少写出3句好一点的!