
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:53:20
One was the apple eaten by Adam in the Bible;one was the apple falling on the head of Newton;的翻译 shift + 7出来的符号 & 怎么读?爱特 是@ ,我问的是& 按shift+9出来的怎么是竖的符号 树叶从树上掉下来 翻译 是fall of 还是fall down 中国尾字为 州 的城市名有什么,多写几个 There are some animals.改为否定句 中国一共有几个城市名有带州字的? 列举城市名含“州”字的城市请尽量多的列举出来,最好可以分省来展开 there are some animals in the (eftros ) 我国尾字为"州"的城市有那些?急! 说出20个我国尾字为州的城市名 ice能做为英文名么要去欧洲人开的公司上班,ice能做为英文名用么?老外会不会嘲笑?或者说起英文名有什么说法?在外国人眼里?载具体越好! this is your pencil ice可以作为英文名吗 有没有帮我分析下worse off than some, better off than many这个句型里面的OFF起到了什么作用?OFF是跟后面的THAN连在一起的,还是跟前面的比较急连在一起的? Liu Yan's picture was(good better best选哪个)than some of the girls. best among与better than的区别Though the famous dancer ,Tailihua,is deaf,she dances _____ most of the people.A as good as B as well as C best among D better than此题中most of the people不是三者或三者以上吗为什么不选c? Worse off than some,better off than many...Attitude is everything better than best 如题 英语翻译现代科学技术的发展催生了虚拟现实技术的产生,网络游戏的环境是其中的一个体现 The boy is _____at lessons in our grade.A.the best B.better C.good D.best 选哪个,以及为什么 Spring comes before March.Spring comes before March.The weather ( ) warm and the trees turn green,( )comes in July.It's usually very ( ) in Nanjing.The days are( )and the nights are short.We like going ( ) in rivers and lakes. 填空 英语翻译Reading,writing,and mathematics are emphasized in the Japanese curriculum,but,unlike the United States,little attention is paid to oral communication.A lack of effective oral communication skills frequently causes Japanese students seriou 开门见山的意思是什么 这句话的hence后边从句谓语在哪里?This process is fundamentally the inverse,hence the name Inversion of Control(loC),of the bean itself controlling the instantiation or location of its depencies by using direct construction of classes,or a he is from America 中那个是谓语? which is your favourite festival?= = 2种表达 怎么区分still和yet? They are green.They are long.They are g( ) b( 英语卷答案,一定 看图 作文不用写,要是有看不清楚的地方就问我O(∩_∩)O 英语翻译You know how potatoes can turn green if they are left in the light too long?And that greenish skin can make the potato taste bitter; even make you ill. They are green eyed.中文