
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 22:12:46
英语单词有什么好记的方法吗? 怎么样才能记好英语单词每天几个最适宜,还是根据自己的情况.不会被啊!被下就忘了,要制定计划么?请求高人说明一下,谢谢啦! 怎样才能快速的记好英语单词? 填适当的英语单词A:I don't believe we can live at Mars.B:Neither do I.Because the gravity on the surface of Mars is not so ______ as it is on earth.We can hardly stand still there.A:What's ______,there is no water. 看看这个英语单词填什么好啊(of clock)to show the time by making a ringing noise 描述的是什么?hatred strike sign actually excellently note violin wonder aim power calmly pause 填空,填英语单词My uncle________ _________ __________to Xi'an last Saturday.He often______ _______ __________ on holidays.The lion was so angry.It________ ________ _______.At 9:00,Lisa was at the ________ ____________.She _______ _______the____ 英语单词给怎么背才合理? 初一每天背多少英语单词合适?在哪里找单词背,除了词典,有没有适合初一背的单词的书?我说的背单词是指课外的。 适合做网名的英文单词,谢喽不要Sabrina萨布丽娜 Sandra桑德拉 (Alexandra的昵称) Samantha萨曼莎 Sandy桑迪 (Andra的昵称) Sarah莎拉 Selma塞尔玛 Selina塞琳娜 Serena塞丽娜 Sharon莎伦 (同Sarah) Sheila希拉 Shelley 适合做网名的英文单词 好看的英语单词做网名以 A 开头的英语单词.(我记得有个单词意思是痛苦的 ,中文读是‘爱过你’ 如果有谁知道的麻烦说说.) 找英语单词当网名比如说 memory melody 这种的单词不用是名字,只要少见,不要太大众化,好听,有含义,不要太长.可能有点难,最好把意思说出来谢谢 4个字母的英语单词网名恩.有没有4个字母意思不错的单词呢?恩.要编网名.符号已经选好了.就是不知道有没有好的单词.还有.别弄贬义的. 背英语单词的好方法难记住还容易忘 大家有什么背英语单词的好方法吗? 怎样才能背好英语单词? 英语单词不好背谁有好的办法啊? 求背英语单词的好办法?背过的单词我总是忘,阅读文章总是看不懂,谢谢各位达人了! 有什么好的背英语单词办法? 如何快速背好英语单词妈妈每天让我好多单词 怎样才可以快速背好英语单词 看首字母填写英语单词1.It is s______ to give up going abroad.2.Lucy s______ in passing the exam just now.最好带中文解释. 处填上合适的字母,使每一行形成英语单词. 根据首字母提示填写英语单词Millie was p_____ to win the football match. 英语单词首字母填空The doctor said that if my father d____ smoking,he would be healthier than before. 英语单词填写I memorize English new words by using f____We found the holiday f_____ because of the bad weather.Just a moment Mr Chen _______(tell)us the result帮个忙 没分了 不好意思最糟糕的是我记不住单词__________,I can't re 几个英语单词填写牙医:实际上(是单词):回归(名词,就是香港的回归): 英语单词填写,Is the coffee f------ 帮忙填写下英语单词it is said that Father Christmas climbs down the c_____on Christmas EveColumbus was c____to have discovered America in 1492the old tend to raise pets to keep their c___if the bad weather c_____,we will put off the conferenc 英语单词填写啊~1.After graduation he took an o_ as a teacher in the city.2.she graduated from english d_ of bei jing university3.an _(精确的)instrument is able to give you information that is correct to adetailed 带a e的英语单词a什么e 请大家告诉我一些英语单词(有a和e的,且在a前e在后,且只有1个a和e)还有上面的是(有a和e的,且a在前e在后,且只有1个a和e)