
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:07:38
2014年7月20日是天干地支中的哪一天? “买东西”英文怎么说?是sell something还是sell things? Li ping said he needed help very much Li ping said he _____ ______ great need of help改为同义句 (圆了我的大学梦!)帮我翻译成英语 请大家帮个忙,因为要练英语听力,所以想要一款可变速的mp3或mp4,价格一千以下 如何训练突破英语 听力?怎样才能加速提高英语听力? 英语翻译 【托福阅读】如何灵活应对学术词汇 .(N2-1)方+2N方=(n方+1)方 为啥是(N2—1)啊? According to the writer why do many students think learning English words is boring?翻译 The computer needs_______.We'd better have it_______.A.repairing repairedB.to repair repairedC.to be repaired repairD.repairing repair请说明理由, 英国女王要对议会负责吗? 有没有谁有新东方中级口译真题汇编口试部分的音频啊,谢啦,急 Linda forgot (bring)her keys this afternoon Much homework needs finishing this afternoon.Much homework needs to______ ____this afternoon. buy things you It is _____ the customers' needs that has made chain stores so popular in big cities in China.[ ]A.meetingB.metC.to have met D.being met 请帮忙译下:In China ,if someone needs first aid badly .We can call 120 for doctors. When you’re trying to help someone, you don’t get anywhere by arguing with them这句话什么意思 这句话里的zu怎么没直接跟动词不定式?这个句子是什么结构Kraft seines Amtes ist er zu Aenderungen an den Bauentwuerfen berechtigt. 求明信片祝福寄语 Who can help me solve the question?1.A subsidiary company is owned by its ___ company2.In the US,a sole trader is called a___3.Shares or stocks are traded on the _____4.She works in the sales and ____ department6. who can help me solve the problems?1.It's widely accepted that yong babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to _____.A要解析)A.rewards B.prizes C.awards D.results2.In face of __,it's the most important to keep up__good state of mind Things to 去买东西的英文 go to buy things=_____ _______ _______ 曲能组什么词 英语翻译直接翻译这两句,不要其他句, LOL传说中的六杀:HEXAKILL,谁能给我这个词的音标? lol怎么读 LOL 怎么去偷塔 偷塔需要注意点什么 lol中的肉有哪些 go,and,buy,let's,some,school,things,at,it ,连词成句