
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 09:10:31
鲁迅的风筝的阅读答案 先阅读理解,再回答问题.因为根号12+1=根号2,且1 M'attendait. 设正数m满足等式m的平方=5,m是有理数还是无理数,试估计它的整数位数字. 法语 字典里 a. (m) 是啥意思来着?是形容词?后边那个m啥意思法语 查字典amusant动词变位提示:amusant可能是动词amuser的变位形式a. (m) 有趣的, 好玩的, 好笑的n. m 有趣的事物法 语 助 手 as soon as i reached the station,i found that the train had left是什么英语语法 As soon as I get back home I find that my mother is unhappy. in the hospital与at the hospital 区别 人生就像一场戏 因为有缘才相聚 这个是什么词或者诗? 人生就像一场戏,你是怎么理解这句话的? 以“人生就像一场戏"为主,写一首诗词.字数在80左右.要能煽情,要有优美的词句. 求赵丽词汇 many more是什么用法啊书上有一句话:many more jobs are available in these services.many也可以修饰more吗?不是much修饰more吗? 有much more 这种用法嘛.There is not enough bread for supper.We need to buy ___?A.much more B.many more C.some more D.some most为什么? 小明共有5角和1元的硬币20个,面值16元.小明有几个5角的硬币和几个1元的硬币? 工人师傅在一个长25CM,宽18CM的矩形铁皮上,剪去一个和三边都相切的圆A后,在剩余部分的废料上再剪出一个最大的圆B,圆B的直径是多少>答案是8厘米 英语翻译For example,suppose that a sociologist was studying the social ranking of individuals in a fraternity.Weber would expect the researcher to employ verstehen to determine the significance of the fraternity's social hierarchy for its members 英语翻译是西方的文化知识(资料)我要的是资料! 小石潭记对石赏析大约两百字 分、切、压、供 多音字组词 xiexie! Would you like anything to drink?有错吗? Would you like anything to drink改错 Would you like else anything to drink这句话错在哪里 求杜牧《赤壁》的赏析 赤壁 杜牧 第三四句赏析 对不起,我爱你.这句话是什么概念? 对不起我爱你,这句话的英文说法.是Sorry,I love 如何把"Can I look at your new sofa?"这句话改成同义句?Can I ____ ____ ____ ____your new sofa? about this what schoolbag )(连词成句)拜托各位了 3Q more和much的用法区别? It wasn't until he got to the office ( ) he remembered ( ) the key at home.A.when;to leaveB.that;to leaveC.when;leavingD.that;leaving为什么选D? 《小石潭记》的赏析