
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:38:11
children to study abroad,I advise them to look before they 英语翻译Longer contract would cover issues in more details.The contract should cover certain matter,which are likely to incur,such as assignment,service charges,and rent review clause 请问 “dying in the sun” 用的是什么语法?主要是想了解这种句法是如何使用? 袁世凯在维新变法中起到了什么作用? in the city in which 语法对吗? 义勇军进行曲在新中国有什么重要地位? 义勇军进行曲 在新中国有什么特殊的重要地位? 军队不听中央了怎么办 阅读 告别 这首诗通过谁的口吻抒发了什么样的感情快啊~拜托了 提高赏分额 《闻官军收河南河北》这首诗抒发了诗人因多年战乱被平息,( )而无比欢快的心情,洋溢着诗人的( )热情填空 free running system clock 什么意思 仿句:书籍像一架梯子,引导我们登上知识的殿堂.把书籍改成微笑 书像春风,吹开了我智慧的花苞仿句书像_______,__________书像_______,__________越多越好 书像春风,吹开了我智慧的花苞(仿写) 书像…… 依照例句仿写两句话要求内容连贯结构相似.例句:书像春风,吹开了我智慧的花苞 仿句:书像一,一:书像 .-----The film is ,I have to say,not a bit interexting.------Why It’s ______ than the films I have ever seen.A.far more interesting B.much less interestingC.no more interesting D.any less interesting I bought a pet yesterday ,but I don't know how to _______it.A:look afterB:look atC:look forD:look like I don't know l how I can swim in the river同义句转换 求一个地道的英文名字(女)叫丁然麻烦跟英文狠熟狠熟的朋友帮忙给起一个英文名字最好有点谐音 自己编的也可以 但要正确的哦不能让外国人看着听着很离谱谢谢啦 求一留学用地道的女生英文名我叫 雷一,帮忙起一个与我的名字译音相同的名字.如果译音不好起的话,就像一个地道的、在外国不奇怪的名字哦.格式应该是 名+姓:XXXX.lei.不要随便粘贴来几个 急需一个地道的英文名字!求女生英文名,不要很普通的,那些在国外并不流行的英文名,比如“lucy,linda ,emma ,jane ”这些的,我需要一个真正地道的英文名!中文名为“葛莹”.可以根据中文名译,也 石祥 求地道英文名姓最好不变,音似的名 He has some tickets for the flower show.(改为否定句)He ______ _______ tickets for the flower show. 下面句子中time分别是什么意思?I surf the Internet three (times) a month.How many (times) have you ever been to Beijing.What (time) is it now? tickets of the show对吗 I want seven yellow flowers. 对seven提问怎么做? He remained ( ) for some time,with his lips pressed together.A silent B quiet Cstill Dcalm I found the boy seating one of his classmates beside him.意思是我发现那个男孩让他的其 The girl remained silent although .several timesThe girl remained silent although ____several timesA.asked B.being asked C.asking D.was asked 为什么不能选B. You can't leave me I think you know how much I love you,so I want with you forever in sweet loveYou can't leave me I think you know how much I love you,so I want with you forever in sweet love!^-^yeah... you should organize this draft to include a time table,outlining the things you would like to achieve during a month. graduation Graduation