
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:06:31
出污泥而不染的意思 a lot of 用于可数名词还是不可数名词a lot of lots of many 用于可数名词还是不可数名词? Even though i miss you ,but saidnothing 翻译成中文是什么? Though you lied to me,but I still miss 他那时可能退休了英语怎么翻译 I really want to keep in touch with him.翻译 My heart belong to you For all I've done to you 饿老公悳个性签名... My Babe you belong to me And I belong to you All the ffeeling’s true My Babe you belong to meAnd I belong to youAll the feeling’s trueWhen you say you love meMy Babe you belong to meAnd I belong to youAll the feeling’s trueWhen you say you love "All your base are belong to us"这句话到底怎么了 什么是all your base are belong to us? a blue 请问"blue and gold 那还有一个day啊, 关于have sth.to do的两个句子I have some clothes to wash.I hvee some clothes to be washed.哪一句对?我倾向于前者. 请教句子成分 I have something important to do.主语I,谓语have,宾语something,定语important,宾补to do.嗯 我又想了想,to do 是定语后置,important 也是定语后置。形容词碰到something 要后置。 have sth to do中to do做什么成分 make sb do中do在句中的成分 作业要我问写一片题目为“say something about yoursecf”短文(10句话)帮忙写一下,要求句子简单易懂.10句话就可以啦 如何练一口地道的英式英语? 寻找与“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”意思相近的诗句.古诗句! “出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”是谁的诗? "出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖"的整首诗是 一道英语语法Compare his bike with thai one ,you will see which is better.Comparing his bike with thai one ,you will see which is better.这两句,为什么第一句是对的?动词作主语不是应该加ing吗 出淤泥而不染这首诗的诗句 “出淤泥而不染”是谁的诗句﹖ Jane was dressed in brown________Mary was dressed in bluea.as b.whenc.whiled.or请问a错哪里了 8/5(x-0.45)=16/3 大家推荐一本作文杂志给我…谢谢里面的作文写景的要多,还要有人物的刻画,最好还要有点诗意.想提高写作水平,你们也可以推荐自己觉得好的,…… …… can you take photos of me?为什么用of?可以换成can you take photos for me?意思应该一样吧. 求英国bbc《sherlock 神探夏洛克全六集》的原声,求高质量MP3格式! Could you help me take some photos 为什么不用any You can take some photos use my camera.这句话哪里错了?(只有一处错误) rest in reason,move in passion 啥意思