
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 09:20:10
英语翻译If in 50 years' time most Bajau are land-bound stockbrokers,what will the sea be to them except somewhere for family outings and expensive water sports?Of what use to future generations in their present intricate understanding of ocean?If 英语翻译The borehole came within 400 feet of entering the lake,but the drillers stopped short of breaking through to the water beneath. 英语翻译A fitness center purchased a number of exercise machines:4 costing $1700 each,8 costing $1300 each,and x costing $1200 each,where x is a positive odd integer.If the median price for all the exercise machined purchased by the fitness cente .The square root of the product of 4 and a number is 6,what is the number.顺便求一下这道题的翻译谢谢=w= Set X has x Members and Set Y has y Members.Set Z consists of all members that are in either Set X or Set Y with the exception of the k common members(k larger than 0).which of the following represents the members of members in Set 为什么答案是 猴哥SAT单词8000与新东方SAT词汇哪本书的词汇更贴近SAT真题我基本背熟了新东方的托福词汇与SAT词汇,可是最近买了一本猴哥SAT单词8000,翻了翻,哇靠,好多见也没见过的单词,不是说SAT1万2000个词 北京新东方sat住宿班怎么样我快上高二了,所以学sat时间很紧,我想去新东方的sat基础精品住宿班,但不知道有没有效果,不希望时间白白浪费,讲的怎么样呢,学完后会不会提高或者很有用呢,真的 请问谁有SAT词汇的录音和新东方SAT讲课的录音或视频?请问谁有SAT词汇的录音和新东方SAT讲课的录音或视频?我把所有百度币都贡献出去了, 本人在天津,想上新东方的SAT班,天津就有,请问还有必要去北京的新东方上吗?不知道北京和天津的新东方的SAT班的教学质量有多大差别?有必要去北京的新东方上吗? 求教一些SAT语法题~括号代表下划线The library is (older than it but still just as beautiful as the courthouse).1、older and it is just as beautiful as the courthouse2、older than the courthouse but just as beautiful答案是第二句, SAT语法真题请教!1.(We had never seen) anything like this style of architecture before,we thought we were looking at giant sculptures,not buildings.D) Never having seenE) Never seeing为什么E选项错了?2.Remarkable breakthroughs in gene rese sat语法题目求助!Caricaturists evoke humor by blending the realistic with the comedy in protriaits.标准答案里面是把这句话里面的with换成了and.为什么呢? 不是blend固定搭配就是with 和 into么? Chimpanzees in western Africa's Tai forest crack nuts by placing them on tree roots and striking them with stones,a learned behavior [probablyl unique to chimpanzees in that area].A.probably unique toB.probably unique aboutC.probably it is unique to 仍然几道sat语法题~1.Jean Toomer was not only the author of Cane,a novel whose publication has been viewed as marking the beginning of the Harlem Renaissance,but also a respected advisor among Quakers.Error.不过我觉得has been viewed有点 还是几道SAT语法题1.During my most recent trip,I came across a wonderful antique store wandering in the old quarter of the city.为什么是wandering错?怎么改?2.As children mature,they develop an independence that their parents,who have bee 几道SAT语法题求助1. Because they build nests on telephone poles as readily as they do in trees, ospreys adapting well to various environments. 为什么Adapting错了? 2.Visitors are quick to notice that the main building of the critically ac 问一个sat语法题( ) to South America remains uncertain,but HR expedition demonstrated that they could have done so.括号里面是A(The actrality of the sailing by the ancient Egyptians)B(That the ancient Egyptians actually sailed)正确答案 请教两个SAT语法题~1 (If there had been) a power failure,the hospital will run on electricity from its own generators,which can operate for 200 hours.A If there had beenB If there wereC Had there beenD Should there beE There has been这几个 问两道sat语法题1.Many changes occurred while she was president of the ( ).括号里面可以是A(college;these changes increased its educational quality and effectiveness)B(college;these changes increased both the educational quality and effect 一道SAT语法题in 1850 Jim Beckwourth,a Black American explorer,discovered in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada a pass soon becoming an important gateway to california gold-rush country.A.discoveredB.in theC.soon becomingD.gateway 一道SAT语法题,谢谢啦!In Germany,foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rian had begun to die four years (earlier without any signs of disease shown then.)请问括号里的为什么错了? 求助一道SAT语法题!Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Right of Woman, published in 1792, being one of the first texts that addresses women’s rights. (A) published in 1792, being one of the first texts that addresses (B) published 一道SAT语法题请教!Some beaches are frequently contaminated by untreated sewage that flows into the (ocean,which can last for several days).为什么这个which是就近修饰ocean?我开始认为which是指代sewage,为什么不可以?另外,S 一道SAT 语法题The Mount Isa mine complex is one of the most highly mechanized in the word,(plus being) the largest single industrial enterprise in Queensland.请帮忙分析下括号中的错误 SAT语法几道语法题 SAT的几道语法题1.The reason the mammal is the dominant life form in such a wide range of habitats is its ability to maintain a steady internal body temperature in practically any environment.practically any错了,为什么?2.Elizabeth Ellet 关于几道sat语法题1.To persuade his parents to let him study abroad,Kenneth described other students' positive experiences,(explains how foreign study would benefit his future career,and assured) them that he could get financial aid.括号里 生物呼吸作用问题现有等量的A、B两个品种的小麦种子,将它们分别置于两个容积相同、密闭的棕色广口瓶内,各加入适量(等量)的水.在25℃条件下,瓶内O2含量变化如图所示.请回答(1)在t1 蒸腾作用 光合作用 呼吸作用的主要场所和器官 呼吸作用,光合作用还有蒸腾作用的意义是什么?他们有什么意义,就是他们能干什么~ 如何改变植物的呼吸作用 植物的呼吸作用植物除了叶能进行呼吸作用以外,其他还有什么器官也能进行呼吸作用?是否活细胞都能进行呼吸作用?