
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:43:54
英语厉害的请进来.要速度挖@!~~~给你三篇英语短文,帮我一下:第一篇: One race takes place in a building.In the Empire State Builbing Run-Up,racers run up the stairs to the top of NewYork City is Empire State Builbing.The clim 今天的4级要不要涂A,B卷的?注意!是涂不涂~不是分不分~各种纠结·············· 我是一名大专生,很想尽早把英语四六级的证书拿到手,我想问一下英语四级A级和B级的难易程度,以及它们与国家英语四级的关系.我要报考英语四级必须要通过英语四级A或B吗? 瞬间与永恒的话题作文今天就要 要自己写的 不要抄 话题作文《触动心灵的瞬间》随便500字 All i need is a car that gets me from A to B 用了什么句型 I think thrillers 什么(not)scary How do you say that is all you need? I,scary,thrillers,too,think,are重新排列 it's you that i need这种句型和I need you的区别请问回答问题的大大能否FOR EXZAMPLE给我造个句? but what i want to tell you is that his theories have no evidence at all.4这里what怎么翻译 but what i want to tell you is that his theories have no evidence at all. 什么意思4 used to 过去常常.是过去式,可有一句话he didn't used to.存在吗/ I ( r )do not like thrillers. Do you like thrillers or ___?该填什么呢?这个词有八个字母,第二个是o,第四个是e,第六个是i ________ _______【他们所有人】like sandwiches for lunch.I want to invite _________ _______ _______【他们所有人】to my birthday party. 英语翻译还有一句:”nowadays i saw a lot of horny guys in china looking for a great sex”也翻译成中文.还有这两句也翻译一下:1."in singapore also have...but here some of the girls go for rich,handsome,gentleman"2."if i want used to do sth的疑问形式和否定形式还有be used to doing sth的疑问形式和否定形式 be used to怎么变否定形式? 括号里需要句号吗 下面这句话的括号里要不要加句号?原句:我们吟诵着“劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君需惜少年时,有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝()”.这里的句子是引用一句话,结尾用省略号,那括号里要不要加句 you are a child grow up翻译吧,我不懂. i don't like to eat ( )( )( )( )fried chicken 我不喜欢吃像炸鸡这样油腻的食物 While we are asleep our bodies grow most.翻译 bodies had grow (3个单词)怎样解释?不要抄袭 BECAUSE CHILDREN GROW的中文意思是? please后面接动词时要加to吗?为什么? please后面跟动词怎么跟? please be后接动词什么形式 please 后面跟动词什么结构 Word2013如何将相邻的句号和括号中间的空白压缩?如图,在Word2013中,句号和括号之间有很大一块空白,其他版本的Word好像可以把这两个相邻符号压缩,在Word2013中如何设置? The children ______(run) outside, aren't they