
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:24:45
少儿英语暑假班哪里比较好? 徐汇区少儿英语暑假班哪里好? 刻舟求剑的“求”的古义和今义 是吾剑之所从坠的“是”古义和今义 黄浦区少儿英语暑假班哪里好? 关于情态动词的选择题There______be any difficulty in passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school.A.mustn't B.shall notC.shouldn'tD.needn't答案选的A.但是表示否定推测不是不能用mustn't吗? We talk loudly when we see the sign on the right must mustn't need needn't 答案选mustn't ,谁可以帮解答 有关情态动词的几道选择题1 I thought she _____like something to eat,so I have bought two pieces of bread.A may B might C could D must另外could不表示时态有那些用法?2 -I have you've got a lot of valuable Singapore stamps._____I h 2014六级短文写作考哪几种文体?议论,图表,应用?还考说明文吗 关于六级考试,听说最近改政策了,我想确认一下2014.6六级分数是以最近一次分数算还是以最高一次分数算? 刻舟求剑现在常用来比喻什么? 请问英特少儿英语阅读班怎么样,孩子6岁了想给他报个暑期班? 想给孩子报个少儿英语班哪有呢? 情态动词的选择题1-Lucy,your friend wants to talk with you on the phone.___she wait for a while or call your later-Wait!i‘m coming.A shall B dose Cwill Dmust2-i just bought a new laptop online.-Really?you_as well give your old one to a schoo 史密斯一家在干什么?『翻译』雪很大怎么翻译? Smith一家住在苹果街65号.用英语翻译. 翻译 史密斯一家正在参观博物馆The Smiths_____ ______the_____. 谁能帮我分析下这个蛋疼的英语句子I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong.大意:我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个that是错误的.分析下每个that 一年的那一天太阳与地球的距离最近.1 情态动词选择题十道!急求! 情态动词选择题You__shout at such a shy people because it_____upset himA.should ,canB.may,willC.mustn't,mayD.may 地球离太阳最近的时候我国是那一天?拜托各位大神 地球与太阳最近的时候是几月几号 信的结尾怎么写······ 中文书信结尾怎么写另起一行空两格直接写 祝工作顺利 给哥哥的一封信 信的结尾怎么写 因为水平有限,若有错误……那些的,写作文用的, 给远方朋友的一封信结尾咋写? board和broad发音有何区别 英语翻译AcknowledgementsThe authors thank the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia,INIA CAL01-53)and the Local Government of La Rioja (Consejeria de Educacion,Cultura y Deporte,ACPI2002/07) for their financial support,as well as 请大家用“蛋疼”造个句子 中国的寓言则散于哪些作品中