
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:38:31
写春夏秋冬的诗.(各一句) -Do you know that kid?-you mean ____eight-year-old boy,he's my cousinA a B an C the D/为什么 you mean my cuusin是什么意思 you mean my cousing do?快了 Mike asked his cousin Do you like watching TV →Mike asked his cousin___ _ _ 关于马的寓言故事的内容,五个,急, 寓言故事有哪些?(不少于五个.) 求一个西语名字,女一定要有r或者rr在里面,最好与“小雨“或”雨“意思或读音有关,不要太长 儒家倡导的积极进取和道家倡导的顺其自然辩论提纲怎么写啊 急 最好能给写出来 真理和谬误为题编寓言谬误总爱穿着各种衣服,真理往往赤条条. It seems that you are more handsome than before ,Go I guess maybe some girls persuing you 什么意 it seems that the aged -----the h7n9 more easily from the recent cases a.pick up b mix up c set up d use up 我有一段广东话的录音谁可以帮我翻译一下~ My curtains are blue.的问句是什么 My T-shirt is yellow.的问句是? Where are my keys?〔补充问句〕下面有两个横线,也就是___ ___ on the table?填两个词吧?怎么填? bananas are my favourite根据答语写问句 No,my legs are 74 cm long.的问句 帮忙起个西班牙语小女孩的名字.我现在在西班牙语的国家,我女儿快出生了请大家帮忙起个西班牙语的名字@@ you are more than a simple friend for me 洪恩幼儿英语在中央电视台什么栏目几点播? 写问句My neck hurts的问句和It's twenty yuan的问句 It’s a keyboard.写问句. 一首挺老的英文歌,男声,歌词里似乎有I come down from the什么还有take my hands and change my mind,还有一句什么my eyes from what they see,求歌名 有首英文歌 男声 开头大概是how many pain for some goes down the star come from 求歌名~ 女生使用的特别一点的西语名字 本人偏中性希望不会个把别人重名 歌词it's a fire come down 这段视频里这首歌叫什么,求 女生西班牙语名字我想起一个西班牙语名字,我是女生,希望能读音好听一点,有含义一点,最好是不那么常见.希望能给我提供一些名字,表明含义,最好教我读一下啦,谢谢~~ 洪恩幼儿英语可以转换成MP4K吗?或MP3也可以. Her that sweater is red,yellow and green改错 那里错了? The red sweater is more expensive than the yellow sweater by 10. Her sweater is yellow.(用pink改为选择疑问句)______ her sweater _______ ________ ________?