
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:48:42
the food in the restaurant is good ( ) the price is too ( ) A and;high B but;high C but;expensivethe food in the restaurant is good ( ) the price is too ( ) A and;high B but;high C but;expensiveDbecause;low 52.Butter and cheese ______ in price.A.has gone up B.is gone up C.have gone up D.are gone up有选C也有选A 恐龙灭绝有几种说法 high的同义词是什么同义词! high school同义词 at a price同义词 1、( )How much ____ this belt cost A.do B.does C.is2、( )How much ____ these gloves cost A.do B.does C.is3、( )It ____ 10 yuan.A.cost B.costs C.spend4、( )How much ____ this belt A.do B.does C.is5、( )How much does ____ A.thi What's the price of the skirts?(改为同义词) life is not easy .do u want to do .don't push ur self .happy everyday.crnet的意思 一艘船在大海上行驶,船上有40只牛、20只羊,请问船长几岁? we should prevent pollution____a happy life.A from living B to live为什么a不可以? How do we will have a happy heart?How should you don't so easy to lose your temper?How do we will have a happy heart?How should you don't so easy to lose your temper? what do you think a happy life should be like 用名词性物主代词的主格和宾格造句 造八句(my和mine)一组(our和ours)一组.急 "每天都是如此" 英语怎么说 一 一 does this MP3 player cost选择 A How oftenB How muchC How manyD How long注意后面跟的是does highly 和high 怎么分他们什么关系?By the way,英语“present”是礼物的意思还是阻止的?忘了 high,highly;slow,showly 全是副词有什么区别 用法? the high social crime rate还是the highly.high和highly怎么区分?还有一般副词的具体用法? deep和deeply等词,high和highly 2011-2012学年北京市海淀区九年级(上)期中物理试卷 (后追加赏分)是海淀的,就是2011年11月2日的海淀区统考的物理卷子上学期,一定要有答案的!这个问题只限3天,有好的再加分 “如果不慎将浓硫酸沾到皮肤或衣服上,应立即用大量水冲洗,然后涂上百分之三到百分之五的碳酸氢钠溶液” 这句话对不?水与浓硫酸反应不放出大量的热么?不把人烧了...这个是教材里面的 论述孟德斯鸠的地理环境与人类社会的关系. The skirt is short.My mother can't wear the skirt.(合为一句) My mother buys a nice skirt to me on my birthday修改病句 My skirt is very c( ),but my mother撇s is too e( ). 地理环境与人类的生存.发展的关系人类生存与地理环境的关系;人类发展与地理环境的关系. 地理环境对人类和人类社会所起的作用有哪些?作为论述题用 现在留下的古爬行动物 比如鳄鱼 也是恐龙的一种啊 为什么说恐龙灭绝了? 如果说 恐龙是指善于两脚行走的爬行动物 那三角龙甲龙都是用四条腿走路 他们岂不是也不属于恐龙?如果说恐龙是 与非相度不得其情的度一个意思的成语 两个 科学家为什么能知道2亿以前的事?和恐龙灭绝 非相度不得其情,非资讯不穷气质是什么意思?