
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:44:37
奥数题库32*11=352那么32*22= 32*33= 32*55= 32*88= 把33.28°化成度分秒为, 108°20′42″= 比如 东经118.273北纬35.136精确到分秒求解.东经是118度16分22.8秒 北纬35度8分9.6秒 北纬25°48.942′,东经104°37.843′,转换成度分秒的格式, 30.6度怎么化成度分秒试子 38.22度化成度分秒38.22°=__°__′__″ 19.23°化成度分秒? 33.28°化成度、分、秒分别是? 把38.26度化成度分秒表示形式 10.26°化成度分秒 关于英语的...再写几个时间是简写例:P.M.是中午的简写 时分秒的缩写!如:12时12分12秒缩写成12:12'12"是否正确?谢谢. 化学元素周期表英文简写怎么背 (26 16:58:13)甲、乙两物体都做匀速直线运动,速度之比是4:3,所用路程之比是5:2,则时间之比为 2222×3334+3333×4444(巧算) 2222十3333十4444十5555 2222*6666+4444*6667简便的算法 计算:2222×5555+4444×2223—9999×2222 首字母填空have__ friend what makes a great friend why is it sometimes d__ th make friends would you like to talk to a friend if you were w__ or sad?now,i will give you some tips about making friends don'tkeep things to y__.if you are sad about s 按首字母填空U ,I don't have enough money to travrl abroad. 初二英语首字母填空哟This because of f____other language is one of the key r____ way some of the difficulties that the people m____with while they are learning Enlish . 高手帮帮忙哇.能填粗来几个就肆几个哟Taiwan was s____ by 初二英语根据首字母填空求解!In north America,most students go to school o___ school buese.Some students also walk or r___ bikes to school .In other parts of the w___,things are d___.In japan ,most students t___ trains to school,although o 15 18 24的最小公倍数是多少? 10,15,18,24的最小公倍数是多少 11分之24和15分之18的最小公倍数是多少?急用! 12,15和20的最小公倍数是多少?用短除法 (1,36) (2,18) (3,12) (4,_) (5,_) 列;36=1*36=2*18=3*12=4*9 17=16= 37= 51= 有一列数-3,6,-12,24,-48,96.的规律是什么这列数第k个位什么, 有一列数:3,4,6,9,13,18,24,31,...,问这列数的第31个是多少? 有一列数子 :3、6、9、12、15、18……其中第50个数是多少 已知一列数 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27横竖斜相减等于45请将数字填入九方格内使和为45