
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:32:46
x^ 3(sin x )^2/x^ 4+2x +1在[-1,1]的定积分 初一下册数学人教版第五章的答案——【习题5.1】【习题5.2】【习题5.3】【习题5.4】【复习题5】这些. 若直线3y=4x+a与圆x²+y²+4x-6y+4=0相切,则a的值等于 五年级人教版语文上册的第六课《梅花魂》的近义词和反义词是什么? 人教版五年级上册语文6课梅花魂框架图 人教版五年级上册语文第6课梅花魂近、反义词,多音字 初一数学手抄报内容 初一的数学手抄报要多大的纸,要做那种平铺的(一面的)还是打开的(两面的)那种, 孩子在数学一块很粗心怎么办 student visitor visa材料用翻译成英文吗? 求数学小论文一篇 初一的 300字 左右 谁知道柬埔寨通用的货币是什么?柬埔寨用什么货币? 用婘组成的词语造句 Your printer is not the same as mine. (同义句) Your printer _ _ _ mine your lifestyle is the same as mine为什么用mine不用my Your picture is not the same as mine.(改为同义句) Your picture _ _ _ mine. your pen is the same ( )mineA.with B. like C.to. D. as 选哪个, 解释一下为什么就行 your schoolbag and mine look the same.(改为同义句) your schoolbag————— ——————kkkkkk.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg [(x-2y)(x+2y)+4(x-y)^2]÷5y George is the eldest of their four children.用中文翻译 英语翻译21st century ,one sentence in an artical about parents and their eparted children 翻译 no matter the language or culture,parents are parents and children are children. Lenny discovered there are four children in Lyon Street are wear the same jungle shorts.Lenny discovered there are four children in Lyon Street are wear the same jungle shorts.问 wear应该是 weared 还是wearing还是wear As I have said the same of others:As I have said the same of others:It is now about what I said / I lost only a sun or moon.I have the stars of the sky Yizheng Pian.But the assumption that I even lost all of these stars; What would happen 帮我翻 More than 3 of the same type of character in a 在设定密码时候一直不成功,跳出More than 3 of the same type of character in a row, 数学题第7题, 数学题第7, 若2y2+3y+7分之2=四分之一则4y平方+6y-1分之1=? 写“清”字组成的词语造句 用眯字组成词, PCB电路板是什么? 数学题第13,