
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 14:28:35
Sandy often catches a fish within five minutes.(用may改写) I 'll catch a fish ___ five minutes A with B without C for D within Running is more exciting than jumping.(改为选择疑问句)_____ is more excting,running _____ jumping? my new car is not running well. I paid more than 200.000 yuan for it句型转换=My new car,_____ _____ I paid more than 200.000yuan,is not running well 许多人物聚集在一起,形容数量较多的成语 They are going (move)to London next year给动词的正确形式填空 形容“把不同的人或物勉强凑合在一起”的成语是:七( )八( ) 形容把不同的人或物勉强凑合在一起的成语 They are going to move to( Qingdao) next year.对划线部分提问?Where are they goingto move 为什么没有to? amor eterno是什么哪国语amor eterno 是哪个国家的语言 amor eterno got you hug you什么意思 Amor,是哪国语言, More than one-hundred men 的意思 How many medals did our country get in the last Olympic Transafrica highway是什么意思 highway有高速的意思吗? extraterrestrial highway Amor是什么意思啊 英语翻译在课文中出现的,是个狗名.直译是丛林,狗名怎样翻译?好听一点的,和那个词音差不多的, what do you think peple wear in the jungle?这句话怎么翻译? They are going to live here ___ ___ ___(两年后)My parents ___ ___(给我买)a nice bick last week she meant more to me than anyone...even my own wife请翻译此句话,我还想知道此句中的meant是什么意思啊? They are going to ___there___a few days A.stay,for B.stay,on C.stayed,to They are going to stay there for a few days. ali in the jungle英文歌词帮忙找一下这首歌的英文歌词,The Hours的歌 another instance of remote desktop organizer is already running帮我翻译 Amor Amor这个英文单词什么意思 压力控制器原理我的压力控制器是干洗店里面的蒸汽发生器里面的那种 现在出现频繁开关 以前压力在0.3--0.4就跳 现在比0.4高一点底一点都跳 哦对咯里面不是有两个螺丝么 我自己挑咯的 高压灭菌锅压力控制器元件的工作原理,锅的型号是YXQ.WY.21.600,最好有压力控制器内部原理图,谢谢!问题是用0.11MP档时,可以控制好几个周期,但在1-2小时后就不自动控制了,就是说低于0.11MP后,它 压力控制器 压力控制器价格国内哪家压力控制器质量最好,压力控制器的价格最实惠 压差控制器与压力控制器的不同点