
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:38:06
she is devoted to caring for aging parents的中文意思 How many supermarkets in the cinema?_____one ____上填there are there is it is There are many old balls under the chairs.改单数句 How many _____are there in twelve?A.two B.two's C.twoes D.twos哪个答案是对的? 填词:My best friend------the part of Romeo in this show.2、You are in------with ten other people for the job ,so you have to try your best. 汤姆叔叔的小屋好句摘抄,至少十句 《哈利波特与魔法石》读书心得500字左右 拜托请总结一下《哈利波特》中所有教授的名字以及他教授的课程.名字可以没有中间名,但要中英文都有,一定要标明每个教授所教的课程. not being 和having not?为什么not being 和having not同样可以做句子的开头,而一个not在前,一个在后呢? not being to China 与not having been to China的区别是什么? not having 等于什么 划线部分提问 mine,The red pen is mine. This is a pen. The pen is a red 怎么改正确在线等 the red pen is mine.red是划线部分,对划线部分提问 you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands 这句话是什么从句 ? the pen is red color有什么错 大家读《哈利波特》的读后感是什么? 求读哈利波特有感 英文版短一点的,就初中水平,如果方便,请附翻译,就是用英文写一篇读后感,关于哈利波特的,一般初中水平 对流星许愿愿望真的能实现吗? Can you tell Merry__her twin sisterA to B with C between D from 对流星许愿真的会实现愿望吗? 汤姆叔叔的小屋好词好句 关于黄帝的故事 填空 ( )there any kites in the classroom?(be)讲明为什么的哦? There is a computer in my classroom改成一般疑问句 向流星许愿真的能实现愿望么..真的可以么. 心有阳光 记叙文实例需要一片记叙文 心有阳光或者提供一个关于这个中心的事例也可以(但要叙述的完整细致)需要自己的事例~ 翻译.to get to the place you are going to 英语翻译语境是两个小孩在一起玩,其中一个小孩扮演鳄鱼吓唬另一个小孩,被吓的小孩说出了以上的话,这里get 谁有好词好句摘抄!(带出处的 最好是有名的作家) Dear friends, Do you k you are lucky when you are sitting in the bright c and having your classes or enjoying your nice food at home? Can you feel many children in Haiti(海地) are very 1 , too? We know an earthquake(地震) happened If you are going to exercise outside,to drink plenty of water.在做雅思听力的时候碰到了这样一个句子.为什么逗号后面用“to ”呢?百思不得其解.