
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 23:14:31
what,have,do,for,breakfast,you,often(?) leo这个英文名字怎么样啊?我是狮子座的,所以从初中到现在英文名字一直叫leo.可是,有朋友说,这个名字有点像中国人的小名,现在岁数小,叫着还行,可等岁数大了,就不好了,劝我改名字.大家说 an unusual thing 英语作文 3Q 英语作文“an unusual thing”可以写“an accident”吗?RT 英语作文"An Unusual Thing"(一件不寻常的事)60个词 关于英语作文“an unusual thing”、急~“an unusual experience”等于“an unusual thing”吗一做题目是“an unusual experience”内容大概是一个小孩子掉河里了、然后警察什么的过来救他、可以用“an unusual 英语作文“an unusual thing”可不可以写发生车祸什么的?“an unusual thing”除了可以写小偷之外、可不可以写发生车祸或者其他事啊?举个例子.. 英语翻译我要歌词的内容 How can I begin to tell you what I want to do;More willing I wanna miss you can you tell me what i can do,can you tell me what can i do?what can i do?这3句话哪个是正确的? 有关蛋白质α螺旋和β折叠蛋白质形成α螺旋和β折叠分别需要什么样的AA序列,还是什么其他的条件. you are all want and i wanna be your love 英语翻译是不是因为这里的说就是认为的意思啊. It will____sunny tomorrow.A.is B.are C.be 理由 it's the best thing ever h_____to me lady gaga 那首歌词里有I Want Your love And i want your revenge 圈发音不同的 I love you!You and me together,l want your love forever! Husband i love you want us to be together forever One day a few years ago a very funny thing happened to a neighbor of mine.He is a teacher at one of London’s big m_____1_____ schools.He had finished his teaching for the summer t_____2_____ and was at the airport on his way to Russia to give a lec One day a few years ago a very funny thing happened to a neighbour of mine. 对古代神话人物认识夸父,要200字 求几个邪恶的神话人物 哪里有关于古代神话人物的故事?比如精卫,蚩尤,女娲,伏羲这些人的介绍和故事之类的,请大家推荐些现代文通俗易懂的,我可不想一边查翻译一边看山海经啊. 中日甲午战争时期,北洋舰队与日倭舰队大战时,当时的南洋海军、福建海军为什么不支援北洋海军致使中国战 古代神话人物多些,比如女娲.快阿 I hope tomorrow will be sunny我只想问这句话对不对.........是中文翻英文。原文我希望明天是个晴天 I hope it will be sunny tomorrow,because I ____(visit)him I hope which it will be sunny tomorrow 这里可以填WHICH吗.为什么. He is a new comer .There is no one __,so let's go and help him ,shall we?A,who to turn to B,for him to turn C,for whom to turn D,he can turn to There is little I can do to help him. 我帮不了他多少忙请高手们分析一下句子成份,I can do to help him从句是什么从句吗?谢谢 圈出发音不同的单词