
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:52:19
〃 淼〃这个字念什么? 淼有人萍平凡念什么字 Americans think it's important for young people to decide on their life by themselves. 淼字怎么读 hope against IT'S HARD FOR ME ()THIS SENTENCE(_)ENGLISHA TO TRANSLATE,INTO B TRANSLATE,INTO C TO TRANSLATE,IN D TRANSLATE,IN选哪个请说明理由 英语翻译 学霸们来吧,英语题 哪位朋友能翻译下面的话为英文?谢谢“不要和猪打架,那样你会弄一身泥,而且猪会很开心”请把上面的汉语翻译为英文.谢谢哪位能告诉我该怎么知道那个是正确的答案?投票选择怎样?另外 be supposed to 中后面不定式是什么语法?做什么成分? he is a difficult man to please.这句话中的不定式在句子中充当什么成分? 一篇叫(Tourist Shanghai)的英语作文 He is understood to be a man of ability.句子中不定式作什么成份. my dream is to be a hostess in CCTV 中的不定式做什么成分 shanghai是什么意思小写的S 译成中文Ivydale Guesthouse**** Bath Tourist Association ApprovedIvydale Guesthouse**** Bath Tourist Association Approved Ron and Ann welcome you to Ivydale ,where modern comforts and traditional hospitality meet. D为什么不对? 物理交流电题我们知道Em=NBSw 这里没有N,但是这个Em是针对线框双边切割磁感线推出来的啊而这里只有线框的一边在切割磁感线啊.所以电动势应为单边电动势即e=0.5BSwsinwt所以Em=0.5BSw才对啊.把 “If you keep on trying you well succeed in the end,Hand word is the key to success. .Keep trying and you are sure to be succeed sooner or (how )is peter going to stay in china?for a few days. 4909—the abstract is a summary of what the experiment is all about.4164 (达人) 想问:1—is all4909—the abstract is a summary of what the experiment is all about.4164 (达人)想问:1—is all about:2—关于what的所字结构 长城—为中华留下巍峨丰碑;给世界增添壮丽奇观的含义 the main experiment is actually a series of complex lab process,each taking several days to perform.为什么complex lab process有错 物理关于交流电的基础问题····求解释..谢谢交流电的峰值为5A,求一个周期内的电流有效值(主要是过程) 现在的初中物理学习资料上,普遍认为桥墩是不受浮力的,我也知道不受浮力的原因,但阿基米德原理说的很清楚“浸液体中的物体受到向上的浮力.”大家有什么样的看法,阿基米德错了吗?有人 回答下列连词成句:1.back,seat,your,go,to,please (,.) 2.begin,shall,our,we,class ) 各题 WE WILL CARRY ON FOR ANOTHER SIX MONTHS 有没有语法错误指的是 我们会继续另外的6个月 这种意思 you memory will carry on是那首歌里的 How many times ___you ___(go) to the Great Wall我认为是did go it's nearly ten o'clock and father ___ walk in at any momentA.is possible to B.is maybe to C.is likely to D.is able to那A为什么不行 选择求答案并解释. I know a very good boy ___luke. (A 、name's B、 name C、 is D 、called)It's __ten thirty. The train is ___leaving.(A nearly ; nearly B near;near C nearly ,near D near,nearly)