
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:06:26
含有FLY的褒义词(英文)同题 Making pumpkin lanterns is an interesting work哪里错了 We make some pumpkin lanterns.(改为同义句) We make some lanterns _______ _______ pumpkin. We make our_____(自己的)pumpkin lanterns How do they make pumpkin lanterns? take sth with 与 bring sth with有什么区别 take with与bring with的区别take with和bring with都是随身带的意思,它们之间有什么区别? 请问bring with it far greater rewards than .请给出一个例句 英语翻译翻译成中文. take sb by the Father By The Hand pull sb by the 我叫 wang kai yuan 港式拼音WONG HOI YUEN 帮我取个和谐的英文名吧符合港式拼音的,wong hoi yuen 王姓 是用 WONG 好 还是WANG 花朵的颜色与光照有关吗?如果将一朵花进行遮光,它开花后颜色会正常吗? 求作文题目, ●hand by hand 手拉手,heart by heart Mary is hardworking so she can make a l____ by herself.有没有make a life的? 元素的色彩是由什么决定的?如题.希望那位解答. Mother ___(can make) cakes herself,She___now___(make) cakes for us. 决定头发颜色的因素是什么? 根据英语释义完成单词拼写1.u_______(not pleasant) 2.f_______(not pass)3.d_______(put on clothes) 很据下列班级活动调查表,用英语一篇文章,首句子已给出Class12.Gread8,Activity SurveyActivity Every Day ,Twice a week ,four times a week,watch TV 60% 20% 20% Have shorts 10% 20% 70% DO Homework 100% 0% 0%(All student=100% most stud There's a lie hidding in a believe中文什么意思 英语翻译 海瑞哪朝人?婚礼上放鞭炮最初是为了?花朵的颜色主要是由什么决定的? 花的颜色由谁决定? 根据句意及英文解释,完成下列单词的拼写.The car________(almost) ran over a dog.(注意:填写的不是括号里单词的适当形式,而是根据句意写出单词)例如:Do not worry.The box is _____(not heavy) enough for me 求一种英语作文开头的写法,要漂亮点的xx是一直以来人们常常讨论的话题,不同的人对此持有不同的态度,英语如何表达? 写一篇作文:中国的花 小作文:中国的花模仿荷兰的花这篇文章,写一篇文章,300字左右.有开头、颜色、形状、精神和结尾. 根据释义写出单词或短语1.live or work well together2.to look for something among a pile of papers3.an act of carefully examining4.a time of rest from school二、用上题中的单词或短语的适当形式填空We___well because we both l