
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:29:23
找几首好听的DJ或者英文歌节奏要动感,悲歌也行,关键是好听. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. In many respects international trade is no different from domestic trade.2. If the American offered dollars in payment for the car, the auto manufacturer would be stuck with money that no small Japane Translate the following sentences into Chinese翻译中文 英语翻译3.Users desire information about the performance of a specific entity.If information is mixed between two or more entities,its usefulness decreases.4.The revenue recognition principle gives preparers guidelines on when to recognize (recor study,the,home,future,will,everyone,at in .(连词成句) 您好,请问x的二次方+3xy-4y的二次方 用十字相乘怎么解? 英语翻译5.The three basic forms of business organization are sole proprietorships,partnerships,and corporations.6.Owners of corporations are called shareholders (or stockholders).Corporate ownership is divided into units called shares (or stock). 2m的二次方+m-3 十字相乘 若2的x次方=3,4的y次方=5,则2的x-4y次方= A personal computer is something kids will use study at home句子改错有一处错误 The kids use computers( )(study)at home. kids won't go to school,They'll study at home on computers 一般疑问句和肯定句 寻找一首象DJ的英文歌一男一女唱的 A personal computer is something kids will use study at home.改错 look forward to 是什么词性?动词 还是 介词 look forward to是什么词性,形容词还是什么 look forward to 中各个词是什么词性希望高手解答 look forward to后面加什么词性的词做什么语 请问to在引导动词不定式时是什么词性?look forward to 里面to又是什么请问to在引导动词不定式时是什么词性?look forward to 里面to又是什么词性呢? If it_(rain)tomorrow,I will stay at home.用括号的适当词填空 if it rains tomorrow,i will stay at home和if it rained,i would stay at home意思和用法有什么不同if it rains tomorrow,i will stay at home和if it rained tomorrow,i would stay at home强调的意思和用法有什么不同,请再对比举例 I think staying at home is really boring 中stay为什么要加ing? look forward to 与 look forward for 区别,比如:I am looking forward ( ) it. 关于look forward to 的选择题!the letter I had been looking forward to ______ last Sunday.A. arriving B. arrive C. arrived大家帮看看选 什么!?为什么答案给的是C? be similar to的同义词,是take after还是look like be look forward to doing这个对不对有没有这个 什么时候用look forward to,什么时候用be look forward to ____little bread isn't enough for ___little kids .答案是so..such,为什么? 题目为《期待》的初中作文 600字左右急需!跪谢! 他躺在床上怎么翻译?能说he is on the bed. 翻译:我发现老师的桌子上有一串钥匙.I found that ( )( )( )( )( )on the teacher's desk. 英语翻译There was once a man who couldn’t sleep well because he was afraid that there was a stranger under his bed.He thought that as soon as he went to sleep,the stranger would come out from under the bed and rob him.He was worried that the st