
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:25:07
IF you don't gon't go to the meeting tomorrow,______.A.I will,too.B .I don't,eitherC .I won't,either为什么选c谢谢. Neither you nor I will attend the meeting.改为同义句You won't attend the meeting.( )( )I 归园田居,陶渊明写的,求意思.就是种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀.晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归.道狭草木长,夕露沾我衣.衣沾不足惜,但使愿无违.的意思. 陶渊明的幽兰 陶渊明《幽兰》 幽兰生前庭,含薰待清风.清风脱然至,见别萧艾中.行行失故路,任道或能通.觉悟当念还,鸟尽废良弓.大概的意思是在说什么? 陶渊明写世外桃源有何用意 求值:tan10°tan20°+tan20°tan60°+tan60°tan10°=写出大概的思路啊! 在三角形ABC中,向量AB的模=1 向量AC的模=2 向量BC的模∈[√3,√5]记向量AB和向量AC的夹角夹角为Q求Q的取值范围. 描写神态的词语 求Y的值域 描写人神态的词语 写一句反映人神态的句子 描写人神态的词语有哪些 没有恒心毅力的谚语 根据中国近现代史谈谈国庆盛典的观后感(2000字) 有关中国近代史的读后感 2000字 江姐、董存瑞、李大钊、刘胡兰、赵一曼等等的故事 用什么花比喻刘胡兰,向警予,江姐,秋瑾比较好? 有没有关于江姐或刘胡兰或文天祥的故事,在150字到200字左右,一定不要多,要快! 求心静自然凉的成语?意思现在很热,怎么用成语说心静自然凉的成语,也可以不用成语,一句话也行 Our teacher went to Beijing to attend a meeting."to attend a meeting"划线提问( )did your teacher go to Beijing( )为什么用what for,did能和for连用吗,我记得问原因好像是what's for啊. 英语翻译还要填空``英文 用所给单词的正确形式填空.1.Would you mind ____________ (attend) the meeting instead of me.2.____________ (read) in the sun is bad for your eyes.3.He was so tired that he fell fast ______________ (sleep).4.This question is very __________ 八年级英语上册阅读题只要十道阅读题,可以是阅读选择题或是阅读判断题等!Thank you!记住是英语哦!!!!@@@@ 还有要答案。 谈骨气原文我们中国人是有骨气的.我们中国人是有骨气的.\x1d 战国时代的孟子,有几句很好的话:“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈,此之谓大丈夫.”意思是说,高官厚禄收买不了,贫穷困 谈骨气原文我们中国人是有骨气的.\x1d 战国时代的孟子,有几句很好的话:“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不我们中国人是有骨气的.\x1d 战国时代的孟子,有几句很好的话:“富贵不能淫,贫贱 帮忙分析一下下面这句英语What if we’d agreed on having a deep model focus and to use the Domain Model Pattern [Fowler PoEAA] for structuring the check out logic of the .NET Pet Shop application?1,什么意思?2. 简单分析一下语法. 把下列句子改成定语从句1.The plane was late.It was going to Tibet.2.He is playing a piece of music.We all like listening to it.3.I want to read all the books.The books were waitten by Lu Xun 将下列句子改成定语从句1.Hangzhou is a famous city in china .many people come to buy tea in that city.2.She got so angry.I don’tknow the reason.3.The old man saw some Germans taking apart the Amber Room and removing it.You are talking to 请问这句话如何改成定语从句的形式.One of the more common juicing comparisons is the lalanne juicer.在保留原来语义的情况下如何改成定于从句的形式呢? 八年级英语阅读经常出的语句,麻烦写详细一点还有搭配词组 人物传记——钱学森 2000字 要一篇完整的人物传记,而不是零碎的资料碎片. 请帮我看一下这英文句子写得对吗?谢谢.If you change background color from red to green, then you could not be changed back to red.中文背景:哪果你将背京色从红色变成绿色,那你就不能再变回红色了.