
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:33:23
英语翻译Infinite N20/Speedbreak ONUnlock All CarNever BustedNever CollisionInfinite N20/Speedbreak OFF 英语翻译Get a wanted level so the cops will follow you into the lock-up!大概意思也行~ 数字金额翻译成英文谁能把161289.15元翻译成英文?请帮忙,谢谢! it is “幸福额度”用英语怎么翻译? A game is always popular between the people,that is"lose once you get serious"中that is做什么成份 GBP 127,817.10 英镑的大写金额怎么翻译!急 求教英文大写金额USD 870,000求教英文大写怎么写 thirteen years old 与 thirteen -year-old的区别快昂,.明天要试讲 Polo is a popular game in Britain.Polo is a popular game in Britain .Nearly all English people enjoy it very much.Look!Just like this English people play it.Four people like play on one side.Four people play on the other side.They all have long stick when the sun is shining _____the sea . over the following years 应该用什么时态? 关于 Ice Hockey is a game played between two teams 中的played所以这个played到底是什么意思? it was the game between the two teams with the result 0:0 last time 【高中英语】Ice Hockey is a game played between two teams,_B__with six players on the ice.Ice Hockey is a game played between two teams,_B__with six players on the ice.A.each B.either C.all D.neither求详解 Every day,we go to school and go home t_(with each other). 适当形式填空 My friend with me _______(go) home every day Millie promised to help me ____ speaking to me in English every day.填by 为什么不用in/with? Across from the park is a hotel改为同意句 ()()a hote lacroos from the park the restaurant is behind the park.改为同义句.the park is ______ _______ _____the restaurant 大写W是什么意思 w的大写是W吗?是 你的大写是啥? west的w需要大写吗? All money go my home! 实习,我正在准备中.马上要! 苏联是用的什么语言 新疆话是不是前苏联语言的一种你怎么知道不是. 俄罗斯的语言有多少种呢?有人知道吗?112--122--132--还是142呢? 马克思主义……社会实践论文 即使一分一秒的时间,加点词是即使,注意带点词,把句子补充完整 我不会说英语,但是我想去马尔代夫怎么办?