
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 18:08:42
一根木料,抬起它的右端要用480N竖直向上的力,抬起左端要用650N竖直向上的力,这根木料有多重? 神舟六号飞船在绕地球飞行的第五圈进行变轨,由原来的椭圆轨道变为距地面高度为h的圆形轨道.已知地球半径为R,地面处的重力加速度为g.求飞船在上述圆轨道上运行的周期T(用h,R,g表示) Television has now come to nearly every family.It has( )a very important part in people's lifeA,becomeB,becomesC,becameD,becoming PEP英语五年级下册《配套练习册》Unit4答案 江苏省成人学士学位英语和大学英语四级哪个难 分析几道英语选择题1)You must have seen the football match last night,_____?A.have't you B.didn't you2)The situation is very serious,______the government doesn't seem to be taking any notice.A.and yet B.however3)______an important meeting the 成人大专怎样报考大学英语4级?我是成人大学全日制的本科生...想报考大学英语....... 成人大专报考大学英语4级程序 大学英语4级难不难考英语基础不是很好.应该从何开始?先学词汇还是口语还是什么?单词量要多少? 大学英语四级难考吗 一道高中物理题,希望给出答案和讲解如图所示,质量为m的运动员站在质量为m/2的均匀长板AB的中点,板位于水平地面上,可绕通过A点的水平轴无摩擦转动.板的B端系有轻绳,轻绳的另一端绕过两 在光滑的水平面上有一静止物体,现以水平恒力甲推这一物体.作用一段时间后,换成相反方向的水平恒力乙推这一物体,当恒力乙作用时间与恒力甲作用时间相同时,物体恰好回到原处,此时物体 1小船匀速横渡一条河流,当船头垂直对岸航行时,在出发后的十分钟到达对岸下游一百二十米处,若船头保持与河岸成一定角度向上游航行,在出发后12.5分钟时到达正对岸,求:船在静水中的速度 -----Has Sam finished his homework today?-----I have no idea.He____ it this morning .A did B has done C was doing D had done 为什么选C啊 ..Unless_____by credit card,please pay in cash.A.pay B.is paid C.paying D.paidTo achieve his heat's desire,he is racing the clock all the time.He is not the man_____he was two years ago.A.which B.that C.who D.whomYou can't help but hear commercials,e (2008四川卷).-You speak very good French!- Thanks.I ___ French in Sichuan University for four years.A.studiedB.studyC.was studyingD.had studied这题答案是A,为什么用过去时,而不用完成时呢? In her writing,Elimor Wylie often dealt with her own personality as it was,rather than _________ .(A) as was defines by others(B) its definitions by others(C) other's definition(D) as others defined it不要只发答案,要分析,为什么选这个? 四级英语是不是到大学都得考? 大学英语四级一定要考吗如题 1、I told him not to do it,but he just___my advice.A、ignored B、followed C、disagreed D、took2、-Have you ever been to Shanghai Expo Garden?-No.It is the first time that I ___to China.A、come B、have come C、am coming D、came3、-What abou 1 after you use the pen,you had better ____ it ____.A get in B put away C put on D take out 2 do you know the woman ______?A in the hat B wearing in red C dressing funny D having on a hat 3 I hope my suggestions are _____ helpful to you.A sooner or l 有没有关于人教版五年级下册英语的练习册给推荐一下?主要是有关句型转换、完形填空、用适当词填空等,不知道有没有专门这类的练习题, 英文的全部季节怎样拼 有一初速度为20米每秒的小球,竖直向上抛出,已知它上升的最大高度为18米,它的空气阻力恒定,求当它与地面多高时,它的动能等于重力势能,取地面为零势能面. 质量为m的物体,在距地面h高处以1/3g的加速度由门静止竖直下落到地面,物体的重力势能如何变化?动能和重力做的功的变化? 这道英语选择题应该选什么,麻烦详细分析下!辛苦了!We will graduate from middle school thid June,( ) we will be free from the pressure of study.A.then B.when答案给的是B.请问选A不可以么?为什么呢? 这道英语选择题应该选什么,辛苦了!The police men were warned the young man ( ) after drinking.A.never to drive B.to never drive C.never driving D.never drive 这道英语选择题应该选什么,辛苦了!The doctor exaimed the patient carefully,only ( ) she was not seriously ill.A.to find B.to be found这两个应该选哪个?请详细分析下, “季节”的英文怎么拼 季节的英文怎么拼 英语作文我的爸爸 某市规定,汽车在学校校门前马路上形式的速度不得超过40km/h,一次事故,某汽车在校门口的马路上留下一条长长的刹车痕.交警测量其长度为9m,又从监控资料上确定了该车从刹车到停止用时1.5s,