
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 04:31:03
She bought a pair of boots.(instead of)She didn't get a pair of shoes. Shen wants to buy a pair of new shoes.同义句(she ___ ___ to buy a pair of new shoes.) shop,cut,live,swim,rain,talk,get,sit,dance,的现在分词 用括号中的词来连接下列句子,如需要可对原句进行必要的改动.She bought a pair of boots.(instead of)She did not get a pair of shoes. He wants to buy a pair of rubber boots.这个怎么改成同义句啊?急用! She wants to buy a pair or shoes.(改为复数句) 机械设计制造及其自动化用英语怎么说快 i do well in math than English的中文意思 和there中th发音相同的词语 有什么词语和thirsty的th发音一样 用介词或副词填空:She likes playing ______ a colorful ball. 英词中的th到底是怎么发音的?例如think,如果照教程应该发singk,但是我听很多英语发音都是发fingk还有,the,听起来是发de,为什么不是se 用适当的介词或副词填空What's King doing She's talking____ the phone She can look my cat when I'm out (问号处填介词或副词) 测控技术与仪器 英语怎么说 英语我一点都不懂!怎么办? ﹣8与负8的绝对值怎么比较大小?如:因为﹣8是负数,负8值﹣8的绝对值﹣8的绝对值等于8 负8的绝对值等于88等于8然后呢?.我们老师说要这样的格式(因为我打不出符号!):例题:﹣9.1与﹣9.0 什么叫读音组词?请举例! 不懂英语咋办 求有这个音标发音的单词[3]除了pleasuretelevisionusually she told me to wait here for her 改被动. She had to wait for him yesterday 改为反义疑问句 本人一点都不懂英语 能学计算机应用吗?还有计算机是应用包括哪些应用? 有没有快速提高英语成绩的方法 有没有快速提高英语成绩的方法 填介词: Mary is better____math than me. My best friend Jenny is better ____ math than me.用适当的介词填空:1.Lily likes to do the same things ___ ma.2.How can you finish the work ____ nobody's help.3.This apple is different ____ than one .It tastes better. 求助:成语填空:千( )百( ) ( )千( )百 成语注意是“( )千( )百 ”* * ( )千( )百的成语,回答加十分!( )千( )百的成语四个以上! 不懂英语怎么学 数学课怎么也听不懂,怎么办?我很是苦恼啊,为了学数学我把英语都学丢了!