
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:08:50
2011用英语除了读为“TWO THOUSAND --EVELEN”还可读到“TWENTY ELEVEN”吗?THOUSAND要不要加S? the year 2011 should be read the year ( ) a.twenty eleven a.two thousand and eleven b.twenty eleven选B.为什么? why not ask your teacher for help?(统一句转换) ____ _____ _____ your teacher for help? why not _ (ask) your chinese teacher for help Why not go to the office and ask your teacher for helpI____,but I didnt find her thereA:will B:would C:have D:shall E:did(高手帮帮忙啊,急啊)have 是对的,但为什么E不可以 ask your teacher for why don`T you ask your teacher for help?why------- --------- your teacher for help.同义句转换 急 我叫召佳 帮忙起个英文名 我叫佳欣,英文名想取一个跟中文相似一点的 我名叫思思,请给我起个相似的英文名吧!我是双鱼座的,要特别很少见的, 推荐几部可以练英语口语的电影吧 推荐一部能提高英语口语的电影吧人物对白要贴近生活,风格不限,口碑人气不错的优先~ 推荐几部好看的美国电影 练英语口语的最好附有观看地址 人教版高中英语单词录音谁有,必修一到选修八的, doesn't,susan,because,thinks,ugly,they,like,ars,tigers,she 连成句子 露薇 发音相近的英文名或者是直译的名字 我的名字中有个“薇”字,想取个跟这个字读音相近的英文名读音相近的最好多弄几个给我选要注上音标 请问谁知道可以练英语口语的电影? She doesn't want _________ (be)fat. 练习英语口语的电影有哪些? When ____ you finish your work?填did还是do回答是last night Have you finished your work yet?No,I′ll finish it in two ——hoursA.another 和 B.more 应该用B 但我记得有什么类似的时候是用A的 什么是候用A 什么时候用B 求发音和朱佳倩或佳倩相近的英文名! 求一英文名 名·倩翎 有类似相近发音的英文名吗?要求·好听 好看·有意义啊?辣椒啊、可不可以有更好点的意义的名字啊、?谢谢咯· 请记着写上名字的意思· 还有我身材高挑 很爱漂亮 熙倩发音的英文名标注发音 1.eggs and fish are h__ food.2.my sister doesn 't like meat at all,but she likes v__yerymuch. 1.I‘d like b ____ noodles.2.My sister likes fish,but she doesn't like d___. 英语翻译Anh chung nao ve nuoc neu ranh thi di mua giup em mot it thuoc giam mo bung nha toi nay di choi thi em doi anh chi kia ngu thi em moi di duoc 9a呵呵,好的,不过吃减肥药有害健康.不必刻意的去减肥.其实你现在很漂亮 Ma sister likes rice ____she doesn`t like dumplings____noodies浙教版七年级下英语教学 my sister likes pop music ,doesn't she? If you finish the work on time.you ___well.为什么是will be paid 请问这首儿歌该怎么写?下雨了,快回家,蜗牛说,我不怕,我把房子背来了.下雨了,快回家,( )( )下雨了,快回家,( )( )要求用动物身体的一部分来描写避雨的工具.