
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:08:40
1、例如 英语怎么说 2、改句:Garden City is a crowded city.crowded划线提问. Garden City is a _beautiful_ city .(划线提问) __ __ __ ciry is Garden City? a crowded 麻烦翻译一下“远航”, 代友远行翻译是什么? 翻译他们明天打算去远行 求一句比较正点的英语翻译“老去之前远行” It's tough when your father is famous谁能帮忙翻译一下 火车站的大钟6时敲6下,10秒敲完,一次大钟敲了22秒,算一算这时是几时整. 火车站广场上的大钟3时敲3下,4秒敲完8时敲8下,需要多长时间?为什么?把算式列出来 以远航的爱情 翻译英语 英语翻译是首英文歌.. 即使再小的帆也能远航的英语翻译 英语翻译1、这本书比那本书无聊,我是这样想的 2、我要买那样的车,越贵越好 3、人人都爱美的东西 4、TOM是我们最强健的男生 5、这个瓶子是那个瓶子的三倍高 6、我的作品和你的一样有趣 7 The how to book can be of help to whoever wants to do the job.是宾语从句,那从句部分是从哪到哪? Before you go,I'd better vanish first.. You'd better s__ the floor before you leave the house.如题,填什么? 定语从句 of which 和why的区别额.........打错了....本来想问for which和why的区别的~一道选择题上介俩选项都出现了......... Hello,Ann.He is my friend,Tim.这句话错在哪里 drop litter in a public place翻译 什么是蝴蝶效应? he is not interested in these tests,—— are too difficult to himA,much of which B.most of that C.most of them D.most of which he is in a difficult s___.let's help him.要快呀 when he is in a difficult situation,he is always asking for help.为什么有a 高考英语 Only after I finish my meal____to order another one for him.Only after I finish my meal____to order another one for him.A.I decide B.I had decided C.had I decided D.did I decide请问为什么不能选C? “袅袅兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下”表达了诗人怎样的情感? 袅袅兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下,怎样描写作者的意境? They are drinking tea in the garden改为否定句 怎么改? what's for breakfast?答句怎么回答? what is for breakfast?用中文怎么说 袅袅兮秋风 洞庭波兮木叶下 这两句中具体写了哪些景象 为什么成为千古名句?不要网上搜的 “袅袅兮秋风,洞庭湖兮木叶下”为何能成为千古传诵的名句?帮我试说明下.