
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:22:59
9. The snake is rolling on the ground.9. The snake is rolling_____on the ground.A. up B. in C. over D. downA表示卷起来可以吗AC是否都行 A snake ___ along the ground.A、climbedB、crawled C、crept D、sneaked这题选哪个为什么?请分析并翻译整句谢谢 I don't txt Chinese people like u什么意思 男怕水蛇腰女怕小撅嘴是什么意思有什么不好之处吗 我回过头,看到一条蛇正在地上缓慢的移动 I_ _,and saw a snake _ _ on the ground. if the people of yemen don`t like chinese foodi m living in yemen now and i wanna run besiness which open a chinese restaurant.but i m afraid ,the local people don`t like chinese food ,who can tell me ,whch foods of chinese can be greed by local peop Remember to sweep the floor(改写句子,句意不变) ----- ------ to sweep the floor New York is a great city.I'm going to visit________. She is going to visit New York ( ) July. New york is the biggest city I have ever visited.改为同义句 I have 四个空 city than New York. talk.evening.a.they.long.yesterday.had.连词成句 sweep.the. 吉他各个调的空弦音分别是什么比如C调从6弦到1弦空弦音是3(下加点)6(下加点)2573(上加点)那么D,E,F,G,A,B这些调的空弦音分别是什么呢?这个有什么规律或依据吗? 吉他的C调空弦音是EADGBE,那么其他的调的空弦音是什么?比如D调的空弦音?A调?B调? 民谣吉他的标准定弦是EADGBE,这个顺序是从1~6弦还是6~1弦?我下载了个AP guitar tuner,界面都是英文,谁能教我怎么使用? They They need light 把红色透明塑料片放在阳光下透过的是___颜色的光;把蓝色透明塑料片放在阳光下透过的是___颜色的光;把绿色透明塑料片放在阳光下透过的是___颜色的光.总结:透明物体只能透过____________ kids can do they want do,这句话对么,好像应该是 they want to Father can do whether they want .同义句 Father can do_ _ _they want . 吉他中的C调和G调是怎么分的 有什么区别吗?吉他中的C调G调F调到底是个什么概念啊? Lucy can write English very well,but she must pay attention to her p____ and try to speak it better. 填什么 __there much milk in the bottle?A.Is B.Are 选哪个?为什么? because we are friend,isn't right?这句话哪里有错? 陈独秀的贡献 乌鸦为啥这般黑 乌鸦为什么会黑 陈独秀有什么贡献200字左右,不要太多,也不要太少.急-----谢谢. There isn't ___fruit in the refrigerator.为什么用any 用need do造句 do like you vegetables |what fruit you is favourite| I a would bananalike| they tomatoes want|like I don't carrots 连词成语 为病故母亲怎么写挽联 Do they need any lanterns?改为陈述句