
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:44:05
7个人站成一排,其中四人要站在一起,EFG三人也要站在一起,共有几种站?提示:答案绝对不是144! 一排十个人,其中两个人站在一起的概率有多大,怎么算 四个人排成一行,其中甲已两个人总排在一起.则不同的排法共有几种.3 6 12 24哪个?拜托4个选择3 6 12 24 哪里来的是4啊 一道数学题.8个人坐一条凳子,要求甲和乙两个人必须坐在一起,请问有多少种坐法?有人说是14种,有人说是10080种,所以请专家来给个准确的.我只需要解题的思路而已. 朝花夕拾中的好词好句50个 Are they going fishing this Saturday afternoon.为什么不能是Did they go fishing this Saturday afternoon? They enjoy (going to the movies) on weekends.(对括号部分提问) ____ ____ they ___ ____ on weekends?四个空 Words and Expressions in Each Unit each在这里是Words and Expressions in Each Unit 是什么意思?each在这里是做什么语?表语,定语,同位语……? 孔子最喜欢的弟子 为什么是颜回? 孔子弟子上万,孔子为什么最喜欢颜回? 孔子喜欢颜回这个弟子的原因是什么? They often enjoy themselwes on weekends (改为同义句) What a difference a day makes改为(同义句)What a difference a day makes(同义句)怎么改 初次认识某人,你对他受的问候语应该是:A.How are you?B.What is your name C.How do you do?我觉得都可以啊,为什么答案是C 判断是升调还是降调.1.How are you 2.What's your name?3.See you later 4.Are you a student 5.Where i判断是升调还是降调.1.How are you2.What's your name?3.See you later4.Are you a student5.Where is Jane from6.Yes,she is7.I'm polly8.Is hi 历史上孔子的弟子颜回和子路是怎么死的? 求环保作文300字的 What are you going to do?还有 where are you going?两句应该怎么答:是 I am going to the zoo.还有 I want to buy a book.该怎么对号入座? 若a是有理数,这下列说法正确的是:A:-a一定是负数,B:lal一定是正数,C:lal一定不是 a为有理数,下列说法正确的是A:(a+1)的平方的值总是正数,B:a的平方+1的值总是正数C:(a-1)的平方的值急 what are you going to do?i'mgoing to【 】 a fishes b fishing c fish d fished _______big fish they are是填What还是How? They want to go fish还是 fishing,…… what about ()in yuexiu park?A.go fishiing B.go fish C.going fishing what kind of office would you prefer to work in,cellular or an open-plan office请翻译此问题并给出回答and why 环保作文400字急! 三个数的比是2比3比7,它们的平均数是60,它们是[ ] [ ] [ ] 三个数的平均数是60,它们的比是3:7:2,最大数和最小数的差是多少? 三个数的平均数是60,又知这三个数的比是3∶5∶7,这三个数最大的一个数是?小学数学题,谢谢回答,我会给分的,谢谢我们老师说是780,是怎么做的啊?? 英语翻译Now more and more people send cards to each other when in special days.Most of us use paper cards,but now I want to introduce a special card to you,it's the electronic card.Electronic card is send in Internet,it has a pecular function tha 英语翻译study for EnglishLearning english can be a very difficult task for most people,this is because we dont live in a environment where we are forced to speak or write english.so i think the best way to learn english is by communicating with o 英语翻译My favorite festival is children’s day.I like it because it is interesting and I can get some gifts on children’s day.I not only get some cards from my classmates ,and also get candies from my parents.The candies are in different colo