
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:34:26
when表示“当”时,怎样用? we fly to England.同义句 The blacks_____(fly)to England.填空用所给动词的适当形式填空 . Judy will fly her England 与Judy will fly to England 的区别请详细回答,否则不给分(请说明理由). Tim would fly to England.Bill would fly there,too.Tim would fly to England and ___ __ Bill 英语翻译1.增长知识,提高素养,利于择业2.成功的路千万条3.学费昂贵,就业困难 英语翻译Ancient Olympic Games originated in Greece and were held from 776 A.D.393.The modern Olympic Games began in 1896 when organizers revived them to encourage world peace and friendship and to promote healthy sporting competition for t 能动英语屋怎样有学过吗?哪里的比较好? 囧 字用智能ABC怎么打出来? 智能ABC如何打“囧字”? failure only intensified my desire to succeed.这句话最后为什么是to succeed呢?我觉得不对啊!我觉得my desire for success比较对啊,介词for不是有向着的意思吗?succeed不是动词吗,to succeed这里是不定式做定语吗? Sam -----(ask)to clean up his room before he played football ,动词填空请解释一下为什么要用was asked,谢谢 怎样看时间状语是修饰动词还是全句吖 He played football at the age of 3 这里的时间状语放在哪里都可以那它修饰什么吖 passport issuing authority Issuing Authority 指的是什麼? republica de 是英文还是西班牙文?是巴拿马的issuing authority吗? authority sleep in bed 还是sleep in the bed对? 英语翻译History is made by the people.You're wanted on the phone.When was the building completed?The book has been translated into many languages.Rice is mainly grown in the south. 阁下的安乐窝 THE BED YOU SLEEP IN怎么样 谜语36种动物还有非动物“宝石'”今天的谜语是:【需要用时 去找不见,发脾气来想拿丢掉】各位猜昨天的谜语是:【听到整夜的喊叫声!谁都不去帮他得】答案是;【乌鸦】动物有: . 白鱼 方向与目标哪个更重要? 正确的方向重要还是目标重要? 为什么说对问题进行猜想和假设能帮助我们明确探究的目标和方向小学科学试卷,思考题,好心的你请帮忙回答一下. 这是人?还是鬼? why don't we go sailing? Why don't we ask why don't we just hang out .的意思是? get to sleep 和 sleep相等吗 Why don't we meet to catch up?好奇怪,我要是知道答案为啥还拿出来问?为啥要我来选最佳答案 The world is now trying to help like Li Hua 怎么翻译 请问同欲者胜出自哪里?谢谢什么意思呢?