
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 23:10:18
英语翻译1.act2.bend3.clap4.hide5.iron6.kick7.move8.nod9.open10.queue11.touch12.visit Please take it ________.OK?A.to home B.here C.there D.school .1where you come here ——your camera here(bring.take )2.there isn't——important in today's newspaper (something.anything.)3.I'll got ——important to tell you.(nothing.anything.something.everything.) Take it ( ) 选择A to home B here. C there. D school Trucks ______ all kinds of goods here and there.A.carry B.take C.bring D.hold There are many oranges here.you can take___if yiu like横线上填few还是a few为什么? 1、Linda didn't go to school because she was ill.(改为同义句)Linda didn't go to school _____ _____ illness.2、There is a little ink in the bottle ,is there?(有一处错误,找出并改正)3、--- Who is your brother (有一处错误 按要求给句子加标点.李师傅汪师傅在下棋1、两人都在下棋:2、李师傅问王师傅:3、告诉李师傅的:4、李师傅说:5、李师傅问别人的: 阿拉伯语句子中间有没有标点符号啊?请问阿拉伯语句子中间有标点符号吗 不是句子末尾 一母牛1000元,一猪300元,一羊50元.买了100头牲口,每种至少买了1头,共花了10000元,每牲口各买了多少 英语单项选择 :It's ____ far ____ walk home from here .Let's take a bus.A.so ; thatB.too ; toC.enough ; toD.such ; to He rides his bike to school .He ________ his bike to school.可以填什么 单项填空:1.-( )does it take from here to there?-It's about ten minutes ( )foot.A.How far,by↓B.How many ;on C.How much; by D.How long; on?2.Thank for ( )me the good news(消息).A.to tell B.tells C.telling D.tell? hemolytic disorders是什么意思生理方面的 central vestibular disorders skin disorders 什么意思? eat disorders什么意思啊 autistic spectrum disorders是什么意思 Tom rides a bike to school every day.变形Tom rides a bike to school every day.你能帮我变过去式、否定句、一般疑问句和肯定、否定回答么?Tom rides a bike to school every day.过去式的否定句、一般疑问句和肯定、 英语问题Tuesday is the____(three)day of a week.Tuesday is the____(three)day of a week.填词.?急求啊!大姐姐大哥哥帮帮忙! Tuesday is the ( ) (three) day of the week .用所给单词的适当形式填空 Tuesday is the (th )day of the week 厕所用英语怎么说? tuesday is the t day in the week.根据句意及首字母提示填空 saying,are,the,to,students,teacher,goodbye,their 连词成句课时金练 p55 Miss Green,them,how,showing,is,dance,to 连词成句 is,her,the,goodbye,parents,girl,to,saying连词成句 eating什么意思 eating是什么意思 psychological disorders是什么意思 一首英文歌,歌词大概是It's rock to rock to rock to trick...而且节奏挺快,挺强烈.是男声的英文歌.It's rock to rock to rock to rock to rock to trick,to trick trick trick...大概是这样吧.