
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:47:59
Four months __ passed by since we met last time.Four months ___ a short time.a.has; isn't b.have; isn't选A,第一个空可以看作整体,也可以肯做个体吧?用have也可以的吧? 那什么词来代表忏悔的意思 把袁枚写的《牧童》改写成记述文 《 所见 》的作者是 代的袁枚.诗句对仗工整牧童对 骑对 .整所诗表达了作者 . Since I have been in my new neighborhood,I have had the pleasure of meeting a few of my neighbors翻译 这两种是什么花 Romeo and Juliet is a story told by many weiters before Shakespeare but never ____ in this playA good enough as B as good as C hardly good as D as well as应该选哪个,麻烦写下理由.可以从文法上分析吗? 东林寺早晚课诵什么经 he should be careful if he goes climbing 为什clinb加ing we can see many beautiful w____ in the beach 填空 we see many beautiful b______完形填空:I like Children’s Day.In china,it is on the first of Jule.on Children’s Day,we have a class party.we see many beautiful b______in the classroom 甲中有4个红球2个白球,乙中有3个红球4个白球,先从甲中取一个球放入乙,从乙中任取一球,求取红球的概率 英语番茄酱ketchup和粤语的茄汁有什么关系吗?首先因为读音与粤语非常相似,其次貌似普通话的用词习惯会说成番茄酱,因此我怀疑此单词与粤语有关! 番茄酱可不可以说tomato sauce,他和ketchup完全一样吧?对喔,那你这么一讲tomato sauce和tomato juice我也分不清了? 英语中,怎样判断一个词是不是特指?RT one可以组成什么英语词 sauce与paste的具体区别 格外的反义词是什么? 格外的反义词是什么 分外的反义词 铁凝的代表作《冰心姥姥您好》概括全文急需!2、30字即可详细 “你不要找,你要等.” 冰心为什么对铁凝说这个? 英语在特指的时候用the怎样看它是否特指 英语the特指是什么意思.英语学半年了,写一个句子要不要加the还是不知道...我干脆都不加了, 《冰心姥姥您好》提个有价值的问题【语文帝进】冰心姥姥您好 在中国的北方,孩子们称自己母亲的母亲为姥姥.此外,当领着孩子的母亲遇见自己所尊敬的老年女性,也常常会很自然地对孩子 英语 the可以吗 ,well是特指的呀Once a king showed two men a large basket in the garden .He asked them to fill it with water from ____ well.After they had begun their work,he left them ,saying,"When the sun in down ,I will come and see your w spread the love of flowers我想到的是'花情达意'但不够意境,要求一个有创意的答案! describe sth to sb 造句 "孤帆远影碧空尽"的下一句是什么? reduce the best way to reduce stressplease use about 400 english words to write it 根据中文完成句子课堂上认真听老师讲是很重要的.In class,it's important _____ _____ to the teacher _____.