
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:55:40
英语Why are they clapping Because they __ the game填win,have won or won I love english classes mnch because they are 英语选择!快I love english classes mnch because they are A,live B,living C,lively D,lovely They___(feel)tired,because they slept a little last night.我认为填feel,因为这里指他们现在的感觉,但答案是felt,我不知道我想的对还是答案对. What__a glass __orange?No,___. My first teacher________ last week and said he was still in good health .A) shook me by the hand \x05B.shook me by my handsC.shook my hand \x05\x05D.shook hand with me 为什么 英语中not until的同义词与反义词都是什么 我记得not until的同义词或反义词有两个都写出来好吗 he must have stayed up late night,__he?A mustn't B needn't C hasn't D didn't总是搞不清楚该用什么, My father stayed up late 同义句 My father ____ ____ until late 初中英语值日报告这两天要,80词左右!适合的给30分! 怎么写初中英语值日报告 一篇初中英语值日报告急需! 麻烦大家帮帮忙! 写一篇好点的值日报告! 拜托啊 谢谢大家啊 初中英文值日报告如题,我想里面是关于美国梦的 ,也就是说,我要努力学习,以后想去美国.100字左右,写得快的再加分,坐等! Mary is ( ),but she's ( ) quiet.A.a good-looking;a bit B.good-looking;a little bit C.looking-good;a bit ofD.good-looking;a bit of选什么,为什么 字谜:鸡叫起床:打一数字鸡叫起床;打一数字 作为姓氏时,读音有误的是A:华hua(四声)B:任ren(四声)C:仇qiu(二声) 外贸术语:price term,EXW分别是指什么, Not until he came back did I go to bed .这个句子要用倒装我知道,但为什么前面不改成did he come呢? EXW贸易术语是什么意思? our price 美元 标签上面有那两个价格 标签上是这样写的 $48.00our price$34.00 地球会毁灭吗?如果会大概是多少年后? 值日报告怎么写? 将下列句子变为间接引语 She said,"my brother wants to go with me."He said to Kate,"How is your sister now?” 句中既有动词三单又有过去式 像Ming said to me ,“she has left her book in your room”. 如何爱护班级荣誉 初一英语的添词题根据首字母添词She loves cats,w her sister loves dogs.The reporter i us yesterday .he asked us lots of interesting question. 在英语当中,怎么可以看得出一个单词是念那个音标的音呢?是不是在学单词的时候学的? 有没有适合做值日报告的英语短文?明天我值日生,我需要一篇英语短文做值日报告!最好有翻译哈 求英语值日报告啊~要小短文我14日要念值日报告啊~帮我写下值日报告内容不要太长也不要太短 大概50秒内念完 内容不要太幼稚比如:今天星期几 多少日 今年我多少岁 生日是多少天气如何 喜 the room is b____ needn't turn on tne light. A:_____ will you finish reading "Harry Potter"? B.In a week.A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.What time 翻译 ①Please come to Harry Potter Theme Park.(主题公园)2 You can take some phtos there.③那里的东西既好看又有趣.④听起来很让人兴奋吧.⑤You can buy some for your fiends. will you be seeing the final Harry Potter movie this weekend?这句话用了什麽失态啊?为什麽用seeing?