
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:40:04
Have you got any potatoes?I have got very few.上面的few在句中是代词而不是形容词吧?我记得very作为副词只修饰形容词或其他副词啊,怎么来修饰代词来了呢? Since China will be the host for the 2008 Olympics next year,English is_____useful than before. 参观伪满皇宫有感(300字-500字) The Fuwa will be the ____of the 2008 Olympic Games在advertise effect beauty remind century impress当中选择用适当形式 你如何理解"小小的满洲国,大大的赵尚志"的慨叹? Your hands are very dirty.What have you got to do before dinner?猜谜打动物 He did have a very cxciting life before 这句话有错吗 求450字的交通安全征文, make sth+do\to do=sth具体理由 满洲国是怎样成立的 请翻译Just think how many more there will be in a year! He like writing poems in his free time because he wants to be a poet when he groes up he was a famous chinese poet的意思?he was a famous actor这样的句型对吗? He was a famous writer when i was( ) the school school school D.for school 求一篇交通安全征文 who can tell me where i get this sing "nobady gonna tell me what to do" Mr.Black,can you ____ a minute for me?I have something important to tell you.A.spare B.leave D.giveWhich one is correct,A or 磅礴大雨还是滂沱大雨?哪一个更准确? if you get up late,you 'll be late =get up( ),( ) you will be late 江猪过河,大雨磅礴是什么意思急求5分悬赏 You had better ___(not get) up too late in the morning 磅礴大雨一词吗 按括号里的正确形式填空.You had better ___(not get) up too late in the morning. 体谅了乌云的沉重,就不怪大雨的磅礴. YOU CAN'T STAY OUT TOO LATE(改为祈使句)急 Students shouldn't stay up too late.Thank you!改为同义句.. Sorry I didn't hear you c____ please saySorry I didn't hear you c____ please say it again I didn't hear you c___.Could you say it again? when he was young ,he wanted to be an actor 找错快 When he was a boy,he used to go there and watch A,to repair bicycles B,bicycles to beWhen he was a boy,he used to go there and watchA,to repair bicycles B,bicycles to be repaired C,bicycles being repaired D,repairing bicycles______the diamond,he had When he was a "地球,这位人类的母亲,这个生命的摇篮,是那样的美丽壮观,和蔼可亲."(依照此句的修辞手法仿写句子) 这题咋做?