
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:09:33
帮我英语翻译这句话 她看起来比以前更漂亮了 7个单词 英语翻译本文先大体介绍了发展会展的必要性和重要性,阐述了会展在经济和社会中发挥的重要作用,然后从会展布局以及各个布局的特点介绍了会展在我国的发展状况,接着从国内会展场 让它发挥功能优势 英语怎么说 最大限度地发挥他们的想象力,这句话翻译成英语怎么说? 面对现实用英语怎么写 让我们面对现实的英语拼写 我无法面对现实英语怎么写急用 我姐姐在打扫房屋用英语怎么说 (咱们帮助他们打扫房子吧.)用英语怎么说啊? 哪个英文单词有七个i? 考研英语到底什么难度?我2010年考研了,英语基础还是可以吧,六级突击一星期考了545,中级口译也过了,但是总觉的考研英语的难度比中口大多了,很多词都很生僻啊,而且没有了我的优势项目— 谁来帮我翻译成英文谁能帮我把下面的文字翻译成英文.我写论文后面的中文摘录要翻译.谢谢文字如下:“因此,对于研究中国农业保险具有重要的现实意义.本文在对农业保险进行了概述的情 英语翻译We stayed together for some time,my mother and I,invaded by small night sounds and the raspy whirr of crickets.Then I stood up and turned to return to my room.Mother looked at me quizzically.Are you all right,she asked.I told her I was fi 高中生物题(选择填空),初中英语题(改错)英语文章为下,共10个错误,请列举并改正,18号就开学了,急求Dear MikeI am gald to hear you are going soon. I've planned a one-day trip to you in Beijing.I hope you will like it.In 英语翻译Your account was deleted by our moderator team.Possible reasons are:- publishing illegal or copyrighted content (such as audio files);- using ipernity to host files mainly used on other web sites.You can't use it anymore. 3.英语选词填空和改错题Can; must; should; need1.I told Sally how to get here,but perhaps I ____(write) it out for her.2.We ____(study) last night,but we went to the concert instead.3.I didn’t hear the phone.I ____ (fall) asleep.4.The plant 英语填空、改错题一 用动词适当形式填空I just _____ (receive) a letter from my brother.The play already _____ (begin)._____ she ever _____ (work) in this factory?I never _____ (see) that man before.She _____ (dust) the windows at that 英语单句改错 速求 哪个错了选选项 并改错It was raining big so I stayed at home A was raining B big C stayed D at I’d like playing the piano,but here and now I don’t have enough time.A playing B the piano C don’t have D enough t 英文句子选改错.帮忙解解一下为什么谢谢我明天没空1. i've got plans for tomorrow 2. i've got plans tomorrow 1. i'm not available tomorrow 2. i'll be not available tomorrow 英语句子改错,自己写的句子1.As a teenager,it is of importance to improve our ability of living independently,thus making our lives more meaningful.(As a teenager,thus后面making句子对吗)1.This behavior which might ruin his life is 英语改错句(改错)1.Please tell him to come here as soon as he will come back.2.The supermarket will open tomorrow,will it?3.He has taught at that college since he has come to this city.4.Tom bought a book of radio for me yesterday.5.He said 英语口语 日常对话我现在每天上班,有一点闲时间,想学一点英语口语,现在希望能说一些日常经常需要的,请问有没有这样素材,就是平常生活经常用到的,最好是MP3格式的. 常用英语口语对话不要太长,2人,4分钟左右 英语改错怎么写. 照找的网名帮我起个英文名没什么. 帮我想一个跟名字相符合点的英文名我叫张子兮,叫什么英文名感觉跟名字相近点呢, mp4照片的英文名是什么我上传照片到MP4确看不了··我把英文名给改成照片了 是不是这个原因上传不上去呢 还有照片需要什么格式之类的还是直接上传呢 怎样练英语口语最有效?我是汕头的志愿者,奥运期间要见很多老外想快速提高英语口语能力知道的答我,分高!回答好的再追50分不看长篇大论我要精简+快速的长篇不看 介绍2010比较好的英语材料 英文填空和英语改错题Where are my football (s )?No one can (g )flowers in rark. 1.Jim is on the duty today. "配方"的英文如何说? 谢谢 配方的英文是什么