
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:36:06
LED荧光灯都什么用途 led贴片灯带比灯管亮吗 who is she great teacher 中哪个单词错了 It is not yesterday or tomorrow是什么意思 the professor was quite used to students’ being late for his lecture.the professor 是主语was是谓语动词 后面是什么成分? Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used to students' being late for his lecture.这句late for是什么意思,为什么用for, although punctual himself 这是什么结构 although punctual hmself,the professor was quite used ---------late for his lecture.a.to have students b.for students'being c.for students to be d.to students' being 英语翻译The professor thought that his student's being unable to see through a microscope results from malajustment. I want to stay at home because it's rainy days today. 这句英语有语法错误吗? 子规文学网为什么叫子规? 一种植物,果实圆形,不是很规则,天生有孔洞,可以穿成链子 豆子大小的果实,熟后果实可以吃,紫色的,微甜.这是什么植物?长在庄稼地里 那种植物是叫羊奶子的,果实像虹豆的 26个英语字母 .It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.A.and heB.when he C.heD.that he 麻烦详细分析下 关于“一场海啸过后小鱼儿回不到大海让后为了适应环境长出了肺让后可以顽强的成长”的材料作文 “杨花落尽子规啼”里的杨花和子规蕴含了什么? 杨花落尽子规啼的意思 杨花落尽子规啼点出了什么?隐藏了怎样的意思 杨花落尽子规啼,李白写景为什么选取“杨花” ,“子规”来写? 杨花落尽子规啼渲染出的是什么季节? They're busy going over their lessons.对going over their lessons提问___ ___ they ___ ___? 英语难题 They are not going to get the big picture of what's happening __ it's over这里填before 还是 until 好像都解释得通诶 乡村四月这首古诗里写到一种鸟,叫子规,那么他还叫什么?说拉```急死人拉 -----Do you like the new______.-----Yes,I-----Do you like the new______.-----Yes,I like all new clothes.A.pen B.rulers C.trousers D.store Why Do I Love You 自想12.9爱国口号 why i love you这个语法对吗 四五爱国口号四五爱国口号,他在历史上的意义 潇潇暮雨子规啼. 潇潇暮雨子规啼里的子规是什么书上写的是布谷鸟,但我写的是杜鹃, 与get相关的短语有哪些?要有中文对应词语意思