
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:49:08
What is the difference:between o(log n) and o(log n^2),where both logarithms have base 2What is the difference:between o(log n) and o(log n^2),where both logarithms(对数) have base 2 ______ .a.o(log n^2) is bigger b.o(log n) is bigger c.no differen What is the difference between "Have you been ready" vs "are you ready"?What is the difference between "(1)" and "(2)?which sentence explaination is correct?Which sentence is more suitable for answeringQuestion=(1),and (2)Answer=I am ready to learn " do you know the little boy?no,but i see him( )by my house every day. 提纲作文 你是我的一本书200字 I dislike fish.(改为同义句) I ( ) fish.=I ( )I dislike fish.(改为同义句)I ( ) fish.=I ( ) ( ) fish. I eat the fish 被动语句 我问心无愧的事 500字作文 在工作上要怎么样做、才能让自己问心无愧! 比喻做事没有做对不起别人的事.表示我对自己做事情,是对,还是不对?只要你自己做事问心无愧,别的也不用去管了.表示我对自己做事情,是对,还是不对? I am afraid that 句型语法结构I 主语 am 系动词 afraid 形容词作表语 那that后的从句是什么成分?表语从句 or 宾语从句?难道系动词+形容词此结构在此处一起作为“主系表”的“系”?然后就是表语 "I'm lovin's it"语法结构分析这是在麦当劳看到的,为什么是in's,有了'm不是就要ing吗 这还是外国通俗化口语还是什么别的语法? I myself am a teenager.语法结构是怎样的. i would appreciate it if you paid in cash 改成 i would appreciate it if you could pay in cash They made him feel excited 这里的宾语补足语是feel excited 那这个宾语补足语是由 动词原型词组构成是不是不定式短语 和 动词原型短语 都可以充当宾语补足语吖 an English car意思是? 有没有A开头不发元音的单词? I'm all for it 的意思在英语听力里面有的,是句口语 need have done ,must have done ,can/could have done ,should have done 的区别是什么?意思是什么?主要用于哪种句型?请分别举例说明, 求 有这句歌词的英文歌I am giving it all 叫什么名字? 绮qi粤语点读?要粤语同音字 广东话“鸯”字怎么读?在广东话里有哪些同音字?.两个人回答,一个说“烟”一个说“央”,到底哪一个啊 The child's question made his teacher feel surprised改为同义句:The child‘s question ------- his teacher 欧洲的航海家为什么要开辟新的航线? 问心无愧的人生定义是什么 ( )The pair of trousers fits me well ____ the waist of it is a little too small.A.except that B.besides C.in addition D.but for I want to be on a visit to Inner Mongolia.(改为同义句) you make me feel so nice是一首摇滚歌曲!男的唱的!好象有这么一句,还有DJ什么的这首歌叫什么? Which driver was to __ for the accident?A.)belong B.) blame C.) board D.) behave the accident which ——by the driver ‘s being drunk killed three people.A was caused B caused C to be caused D having been caused 1.The accident could be p___ if the driver was careful2.Mang P_____ have no money tosee the doctor.3.The sick people in poor areas in our country don´ t have to pay for the_____(treat)4The good news is that 80 percent of the cases of _____(bi 一篇秋季的作文 和这篇作文的提纲 一定要提纲和作文拜托了各位 这个作文的提纲.要有秋什么图,秋什么图的.秋天的脚步走进了我的家乡,小草慢慢的变黄了,花园里好好像铺上了一层金黄色的地毯.秋天的小草已经无精打采了,不像春天那样挺拔.庄边一个小