
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 18:58:48
广东地图哪有? 也就是钦州和北海没有划给广西之前的地图. Yes,I have a training tomorrow.I must togo to bed.thank ufor ur help today.u are a good man.good ni ---Must I finish composition right now?---No,you___.You can hand it in tomorrowA.can't B.mustn't C.may not D.needn't Where is the library?-----It's______the teaching bhilding.A.in front of B.behind of 求中国、日本、埃及、俄罗斯、法国、美国、巴西、澳大利亚的地图略图举个例子,中国,就只要那一个鸡的形状就可以了,都要是分开的. I want to be a place:you can come to ^^^^I want to be a place:you can come to for shelter,for uncondional caring,for sharing all the support one can give.I want to be a person:you can turn to for answer and understanding,or just to reinforce the feel Tomorrow I will go far place I want to miss you so . 为白洋淀写一句旅游广告词怎么写白洋淀的旅游广告词? 以“收获”为话题的600字作文,有谁知道?不要太深奥,谁知道,我真是佩服他!寒假快完了,5555.各位同胞们,为了咱们祖国的未来,一定要加油哈~ How to study math well? Can you tell me how to learn math well?Sure.But remember nothing can be learned _____ hard work.A byB atC withoutD for Everyone in school should obey the rules(同义句)( )( )us should obey the rules. Everyone in school should obey the rlue的同义句是什么题目是这样的— — us should obey the rlue Everyone should obey the rules(同义句)____ ____ us should obey the rules. and在并列句中可省略吗?隐约记得上大学时,写作课上老师讲过and在并列句中有时可省略.有没有高手能帮我解惑一下,谢谢! Could you tell me ___ with the money?A hou to do B what should I do C how should I doD what I should do 请问,音乐《亡灵序曲》中的那个那男人说的那句英语是什么?求原稿和翻译. 亡灵序曲最后部分一个男人说的英文是什么 谁会画很可爱的兔斯基?兔斯基兔斯基兔斯基兔斯基兔斯基… 谁有常用4000个汉字的粤语发音粤语发音音标啊,带调号的? 黑子,耀斑,太阳风等太阳活动依次发生在A.色球层,光球层,日冕层B.光球层,色球层,日冕层C.日冕层,光球层,色球层D.光球层,日冕层,色球层 长三角是中国的哪个地方阿? 长三角地区包括哪些城市 长三角地区会有地震吗?近几年地震频频发生,长三角地区会地震吗? 雅思话题:a tv program you dont likeDescribe a TV program that you watched but didn't like.You should say:what program it waswhen you saw itwhat it was aboutand explain why you didn't like it.有没有人能给点思路,最好给出文章,要说 求Describe a foreign food you like雅思口语范文~ 长三角包括哪些城市?长三角地区包括哪些城市?共有多少个城市? 雅思口语part2:Describe an exciting experiment.这个咋说呢? 在长江三角洲城市体系中处于第二级的中心城市是哪个 江苏南部长江三角洲地区与北部徐淮地区城市发展水平和分布格局的差异? 阅略什么意思